Part 8: Life and Death

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"You look nice." Mom says as I stood starring at a picture of the four us.

"Thank you." I smiled and fixed my tie. Monique approached and hugged mom tightly.

I grabbed her hips and she moved to me. She exhaled as she closed her eyes and I held her for awhile. She slowly pulled away fanning her eyes and wiping the fallen tears. Beck and Monique was best friends. I can tell she's hurting bad but she's trying to stay strong for my brother.

"It's okay to cry." I whispered and she shook her head walking to the bathroom. I exhaled covering my face and walked downstairs.

"Demarcus." Deandre speaks and hands me his tie. I smiled at him as I started to tie his tie.

"You okay?" I questiomed.

He looked at me and smiled, "They considered the man who hit her guilty. He's serving five years in jail."


"He was on the way to his wife who was in the hospital." He says and smiled, "Beck was on the way home after school and was looking down when the truck hit her. She died instantly after her body hit the ground."

I stared at him and smiled. He looked down and I exhaled as I hugged him. He hugged me back tightly as I closed my eyes. After a few seconds he pulled away grabbing his keys. We all left out and went to where she was going to be buried.

The pastor did a speech on life and death. I didn't want to talk, I couldn't talk. I've known Beck since my freshman year and her junior year. She's been with my brother for three years. Even after they had a rough fight they would angrily scream their I love you's. Then the next day she would be right next to him in his bed smiling at him.

My brother smiled as he walked forward and turned to the sad crowd. Ana even came and stood beside me, but Monique switched sides and hugged me tightly. I just looked at my brother who smiled and looked down at her casket.

"Um, Beck I got this ring for you. I was going to ask for your hand in marriage right after graduation." He says setting down the opened blue box which held a beautiful ring, "I love you so much and I'll see you in the future. But I just want to say, the last thing me and Beck said to each other was I love you. We even had a argument on who loved who more knowing we loved each other in the same way. But this was after she told me she was pregnant with my baby."

I look up eyes wide as he teared up again.

"Now you would imagine how scared and hurt I was when I found out she was making new life the same day she took her last breath. Because a man needed to get to his wife who was giving another baby her first breath. It was a girl and I had a full conversation with this girl last night she  was in hysterical because she never meant for that to happen. She died this morning." He looked up at the crowd, "Turns out she had an infection in her respiratory system they could not catch fast enough. Now there's a baby named Beck sitting in a room with no mom and no dad. Her father has signed paperwork to send the baby to the address right here."

"What?" Beck's dad says looking up.

"Baby Beck is going to your home if you will like another baby because Beck told me how you've been wanting another baby and I know she had to die for you to get it but that is why she died. She died to give a baby new life." He laughed, "So Mr. and Mrs. Fimmers. Do you want another baby?"

She bursted into tears and hugged him tightly. He looked down and I smiled as I closed my eyes putting my face against Monique's.

After service we went home. Mom was in her room and Deandre was packing up all of Becks stuff. He just dug a hole in the backyard and put the stuff in there. When he walked in I hugged him tightly and he smiled against my skin.

"Your way to heavy to be jumping on me like that." He chuckled and I laughed pulling away from him and looking down.

"That was a beautiful speech, Deandre." I whispered and looked at him, "Sorry about the baby. I didn't know all that."

"It's fine." He smiled, "It wasn't meant to be. But I need some time to be a man. I've been locked since high school."

"True." I chuckled and looked at my bowl of cereal mixing it up.

"Where's Monique?" He asked.

"Right here." She says. I look back and dropped the spoon taking her in my arms. Her hair was a mess, her mascara was going down her face and she only had one shoe on.

"Baby." I whisper.

"I feel so bad." She cried out hugging me, "I feel so bad."

Deandre hugged her and I closed my eyes looking down. Today is a very intense day. To make it worse Ana just texted. She doesn't want Monique in the room for the labor. I just texted her how this was not a good day to be texting like that. She said so, so I just laughed and turned off my phone. Monique and Deandre walked outside and she cried even louder than before.

I just waited knowing they needed their time. Ana walked into the house and took off her shoes before walking to me and sighing.

"Did you not just here how quick life is taken from someone?" I asked and she looked down, "That is going to be Nadia's mother. In three weeks, Ana."

"No she's not." Ana whispered looking at me dead in my eyes.

"You signed the paperwork. There's no changing it. When she's here you can't come see her unless I say its okay. You can't tell her who you are until she's eighteen and I'm the only one signing her birth certificate stuff. So if I want Monique to sign she can cause that's Nadia's mom."

She stared at me then turned when the door closed and the two came in. Monique smiled and rubbed Ana's belly.

"Don't worry, Nadia. Mommy will be fine when you get here." She whispers and climbed in my arms. I kissed her and smiled as I looked down.

"Can you please leave?" I questioned and she rolls her eyes leaving the house. I exhaled and pushed back Monique's hair. She smiled and looked at me rubbing my soft cheeks as she stared at me.

It seems like just yesterday I was laughing with Beck about her leggings. But suddenly to hear my own brother cry out the words has really messed me up. I don't know how he's feeling. After a few days and she was dead he would tell me that all he can think about was not being able to hear her voice, her laugh and her moans. He said he would never see her again, never feel her cold chunky hands or be able to play with her long curly hair. That was the scary part of it. She was going to be gone forever and no one could say anything to her to get that  last little chuckle. Thinking about it made me cry and I couldn't hold it in. Luckily my best friend was there to hold me, and she did so rubbing my back telling me that it was going to be okay. I just nodded holding her tighter and smiled as I felt my brothers arms. Things couldn't get worse than this.

*Chapter has been RE-READ & EDITED*
~Sorry for any mistakes I'm not good with grammar and spelling and I am the only editor of my books so bare with me.

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