Chapter 15: Love Trip pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"But I thought you knew the way to the hotel oppa?"

"Yeah, yeah, but I think I made a wrong turn, because I barely can see through the darkness." He explained as he slowed the car down and stopped at the edge of the narrow street.

"W-wait, you're going out? What the hell, we're out of nowhere!" I panicked when I saw him open his door and set foot on the ground. I just can't help to think of something dreadful, like the movies that kept me up at night.

"Jagi, you easily get scared do you? Haha. I'll just check the sign board back there okay?" He said mockingly.

I frowned at him but he just left while giggling softly, without even closing the door. His voice trailed with him but it quickly faded, replacing it with stillness.

I was left alone and I began regretting for not going with him, thinking that he'll get back shortly. But I began to worry when there's still no one breaking up the eerie silence, for minutes that felt like hours.

"Oppa!" I called out, but I didn't get any reply.

I turned back to the direction where he had gone but the back lights of the car didn't give enough help to let me see further. So I sink back to my seat, feeling helpless and troubled. I was thinking if I could even get out of here alive. Yeah, my mind isn't helping either.


"Sssshhiii-" I was about to curse when Taemin popped by the door out of nowhere. And his loud voice didn't failed in making my spirit leave my body for a second.

"Oppa! You did that on purpose didn't you?!" I whined as my chest heaved like crazy.

"What? You called me right? So I ran back to see if you're okay. And...obviously, you're not. Cause you look sick. Hahah!" He pointed out while he flung his head back and laughed like there's no tomorrow.

Not wanting to gain more defeat, I got out the car and ran towards him. He was still in the middle of his attempts to refrain from laughing when I jumped on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs clung on his hips. It was close to a romantic scene, but it really isn't. Because I was strangling his neck playfully, making him choke.

"Yah! Okay- You win!" He declared his surrender and then I loosened my grip on him, feeling a little pity on my weak boyfriend.

He didn't gave me much time to enjoy my victory when I felt his body descend to the ground. And my back was the first to hit the rocky ground while he just laid on top of me. My arms were still around his neck so I grabbed the opportunity to strangle him once more.

"Hmmm, so soft." I didn't realize the move I was making was actually pushing the back of his head to my chest. I quickly flinched and free him by throwing his head away.

This made him chuckle before he rolled his body and faced me this time. I was unable to move as he held my wrists in place and he leaned closer to my face while flashing his triumphant smirk.

"Too bad, I always win." He whispered. He stared down at me as I close my eyes to avoid his hypnotizing look.

I was actually predicting something- a kiss, to be exact. But then I felt him free his grip on my wrist, proving me wrong. I opened my eyes and saw him already standing in front of me. He was beaming that ridiculous smile, as if he knows I did expect for a kiss.

"Who's up for a night swimming?" He ran bouncily to the car and grabbed a bag before turning back at me.

I managed to get back on my feet, dusting dirt all over my clothes. I was startled of what is it, he's talking about. And when I turned at him, I noticed the swimming trunks that was hung on his shoulder.

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