Christian POV

3 weeks since she left....3 weeks of hell and darkness. Why did I have to go that far? Why did I have to show her the truth? I can't believe the coldness in her eyes as she stared at me. It's like she wasn't looking at me but through me. Since Ana left I haven't been back to that room, haven't left the house. I've had Taylor drive by her house and work every day to make sure she is safe. She left everything behind the Mac book the Audi and felt like a knife sliced me open when she rejected my gifts to her. "I don't want anything to remind me of you" her haunted voice whispered. She then turned and entered the elevator. I ran towards it but too late, she slipped away.

"Sir..." mutters Taylor "What Taylor"? "You have an important client meeting Sir that you can't miss". I sigh angrily "Fine give me 30 mins and I'll be ready to leave" "Yes Sir" Taylor replies. I think Taylor is using this meeting to try and force me back into my old routine. No one understands its meaningless without my Ana. After a scalding hot shower, I feel more like a human, dress in a black Armani suit and reach for my favorite tie....the gray silk tie. I look at it and see it tied around my Ana's wrists and hear her moans and I drop the tie like I've been burned. I start to throw it away but my heart won't let me and I place it back in my drawer. I grab a blue and gray silk tie that I've never worn. "Taylor" I yell from my room " Go down and get the Audi SUV and I'll meet you downstairs in 5" "Yes Sir" Taylor leaves the room. I sigh Come on Grey time to rejoin the world.

As I arrive at GEH and everyone stops and notices my arrival...Jeez, you'd think I had never been to the office before. As I walk past reception on the 20th floor Andrea jumps up after me "Mr. Grey would you like your morning coffee"? "Yes, Andrea my coffee black and a blueberry muffin" "Yes Sir" as she retreats to get the coffee. I enter my office and nothing has changed but I feel something has changed. Maybe it's me, I sigh. Andrea enters my office and quietly leaves the coffee and muffin without me even noticing. I fire up my computer and have about 2,000 emails since Friday.... time to get lost in work. I scan through and find the email I've been waiting for from Ros.

June 2, 2011, 17:58

To Christian Grey

Subject: Seattle Independent Publishing House

From Ros Bailey


I have researched all the publishing houses in the Seattle area as per your request. This one house has a good following but is on the brink of going stale and losing readership. Research shows that this would be the best house for the least cost. Management is, for the most part, effective except for an Editor who has a few discipline issues and a suspicious amount of PA's but otherwise a good investment. Let me know if we want to proceed.

Ros Bailey

Vice President Grey Enterprise Holdings

Hmm, I ponder this new situation and try to remember where Ana said she was working, this name doesn't sound familiar. So now time to have Welch look into all the backgrounds of Management and CEOs of this company.

June 5, 2011, 09:56

To Eric Welch

Subject: Investigate CEO and Management of Seattle Independent Publishing

From Christian Grey


I need full specs and backgrounds on all CEO's Editors and Heads of the company. Information for possible acquisition. Include all procedures and expenditure reports for the last 6 months. Anything with a red flag email me immediately. Also look into the profit margin against other publishing houses in Seattle.

Christian Grey

CEO Grey Enterprise House

Email sent should get something soon. I notice Taylor walking towards the office I sigh must be time for this shareholders meeting. I nod to Taylor before he enters and proceeds to follow him to the conference room.

Jack POV

After Ana returned with my coffee I watched her walk to her desk. Imaging my hands smacking that ass....feeling her writhe under me moaning my name. God, I have to control these wayward thoughts. I will fulfill my desires once we reach New York. Ana has already confirmed her flight and room for the symposium so its just a matter of time before that little prick tease is begging me to make her scream.


Work has been uneventful, mindless reading and reports nothing that requires my full attention sadly. How much more can a person endure? I have had an uneventful week, stayed in again all weekend in my bed hugging my Charlie Tango balloon. The only bright spot is the symposium even though it will be a man who sometimes makes me feel like he is undressing me with his mind. But Ray is ex-army so I can defend myself if needed. It is the Tuesday before the big New York trip and I am finishing things up so when I come back on the following Monday it hopefully won't be so much work. I look around and notice Jack is a little more excited about this trip than just a simple educational trip for a new PA. But I put it the back of my mind. One more day of work and I have a mindless weekend of networking and education. The thought puts a smile on my face.

Jack and I meet Thursday morning at the airport about 7 am for an 8 am a flight to New York. I am nervous not just for going with Jack but of flying in general. Now don't get me wrong once we are airborne I am fine its just the landing and take off that makes me nervous.

"Ana are you excited for an amazing weekend of networking and literature education"? "Just nervous that I may be out of my league as a new PA". "Ana don't be nervous...I wouldn't have brought you if I didn't think you could handle this" "Thanks, Jack" I smiled a nervous smile and just as I do they call our flight. "Ready to go Ana"? "As ready as I'll ever be" I walk behind Jack to the waiting plane with a sense of dread.

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