Chapter 21 part 2

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The battle was fierce. Yutaka called for backup, in which over three hundred shinobi had quickly arrived. 

Though the difference in strength of each individual standing here between the Akatsuki and the Red Grass Organization was obvious, they still had the advantage in numbers.Swords clashed, much chakra was exerted, and blood was spilt.

And all over the lifeless body of not only a precious friend, but also whom became family the moment we laid eyes on her. We may not have known it, but she had changed us.

Our personalities were exactly the same, but our actions had differed. But no matter how soft we become, we were still once a criminal organization. Nothing could change that.

It was crazy. My existence counted upon blowing up things; I was a bomb artist raised to love what I did. Maybe if I had been born somewhere else, the situation would be completely different.

I shook my head, smiling as I began to raise my hand, the sign "katsu", but something made me falter for a split second. I regained my composure, and blew about fifteen people up.

I had realized in that moment just what we were fighting for and why, as if I had forgotten the reason.

Taki was dead. She was never coming back. She never got to sing for the first time, and she never got to feel happiness at least once in her life. She never got to kiss Obito, like I had imagined in my head. 

She never will know what being a dragon will feel like, and will never be able to use her wings to soar over the land, feeling free. After singing, that's the form she would then be able to take. Maybe the dragon was a symbol of freedom in her clan.

No more celebrating her birthday every year, and no more flowers to see on our beds. Hell- we expected them on our beds by the time we came home. How could we be so selfish?

It was only wishful thinking, though. 

Yutaka slashed at me with his sword, to which I dodged. We were getting tired, and our chakra was beginning to run out.

The fight seemed to be never-ending. On with the bloodshed. On with the killing. On and on and on, and it seemed like they were winning. Hope began to drain from me

A rumble under the Earth stopped us. Everything was silent for a moment, when about three or so people had jumped down in the middle of the chaos.

The first one I recognized was familiar. The familiar blonde with emotional problems. Konoha's jinchuuriki idiot, Uzumaki Naruto.

A pinkett landed next to him, then.. Kakashi. That annoying man that sent my arm to the oblivion. I was too caught up in the notion to realize that they were also our enemies.

Naruto looked around, whispering, "Wh-what the hell.." The pinkett smacked him upside the head. "Idiot! We were supposed to find and infiltrate the Akatsuki. You can't just appear right in front of them! You're gonna get us killed!"

"What's done is done. Right now, we need to come up with a plan to get out of here, it seems that we have interfered with a fight that could no doubt kill us all." The silver haired man said calmly.

Naruto shook his head furiously. "I want to find out what's happening here!" He shouted, and ran over to me. I smirked internally. If it weren't for the current situation, I would explain to him what an idiot he was for voluntarily standing right in front of me.

"NARUTOOO!!" The pinkett yelled in both shock and worriment. "Hush, Sakura!" He yelled back. His attention turned to me with a fierce look in his eyes.

"What's going on?" He said in a dangerous tone. I looked around, biting my lip, holding back every word I could say that would cause a war right between us here and now.

How Taki joined the Akatsuki(Tobi love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu