Chapter 20: Home is where the heart is

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Taki has now been with the Akatsuki for half of a year since Christmas. Every other month she goes to Konoha for a week to see her friends.

Lately, she hasn't been very social. She has taken a lot more time by herself than usual. Sometimes she will stay in her room all day.

It wasn't a big deal to the Akatsuki, though, because they were gone often anyways, and she probably needed something to do for the day.

Currently, Taki was stuck with Pein and Konan for the week. Most of the time she didn't talk to them as much as she used to.

She stayed in her room a lot. She still cooked, and cleaned though.

Taki walked over to the living room, and sat down on the couch. Konan sat down next to her. "Hey, Taki! What's going on?"

Taki smiled. "Oh, hey. I was.. just.. thinking about stuff." Konan laughed. "By stuff you mean Tobi, right?"

A light shade of pink crossed her face. "N-no." Konan smiled. "Well, what are you going to do?" Taki shrugged.

Taki's POV:

"I don't know. I don't think he likes me back, so I don't want to do anything stupid." Konan shook her head.

"Don't think like that! He'll come around." She said. Pein walked in. "Who will come around?"

"Oh, you wouldn't understand, Pein." Konan giggled as Pein sat down between us. He turned to me.

"Who are you girls whispering about?" He asked. "Ughrn.. Tobi." I muttered. Pein blinked. "Tobi? Wait.." he gave me the look that said "you love him?"

I looked the other way. Konan laughed. "Don't be embarrassed, I think it's cute!" Pein stayed silent. He had no idea what he was supposed to say about that.

3rd POV:

Konan got up. "I'm going to go shopping. I'll be back soon." They nodded. She left, leaving the two of them alone.

An awkward silence arose between the two of them. "So." Taki spoke up first. Pein looked at her. "I heard that you have a lot of paperwork often. Would you like me to help you with that?"

Pein shook his head. "No, but thanks for offering." He couldn't let her help him with his paperwork, because it had information on what they did.

No one has told her about the fact that the Akatsuki was an S-ranked criminal organization, and they intended to keep it that way.

They spent the next hour talking, before Konan came home. "I'm home!" She yelled. Taki helped her put away the groceries, while Pein watched.

How could she help people so willingly, and still keep a smile on her face? He had to know. Taki finished, and sat down next to Pein on the kitchen chair. Konan sat down between the both of them. Pein turned, and looked at Taki.

"How are you always so happy? You are always smiling, even in the toughest of times." Taki seemed to have expected a question a question like that. "To be honest, it is actually pretty hard to keep a smile on my face, even when I should be happy."

Pein looked at her with a hint of surprise on his face. "What.. do you mean?" Taki looked down. "Promise you'll keep this a secret, okay? What I will say next..." Pein and Konan nodded, confused.

"I'm not quite sure if I have ever been happy in my life."


"What?" Pein asked, slowly. Taki looked up, with a smile on her face. "Ah, never mind what I said, forget it. I'm happy.. I promise." Konan put a hand on her shoulder. They heard the front door open, while Deidara and Tobi walked in.

"You should tell her how you feel about her, un. You know you love her." "Shh! Deidara!" "Oh. Sorry, hm." Taki's heart sank.

"You are in love with someone, Tobi?" Tobi frantically waved his hands in front of his face. "N-no!" Taki smiled, even though it pained her. "Is she pretty?"

Silence. "Uh, yeah, she is." Taki didn't know why she was asking questions like this, when it hurt her so much to ask them. "Is she nice, and kind?" "..Yes." 

"Does she make you happy?" "...Yes.." "Does she.. love you back?" Tobi looked away, avoiding her gaze. "I.. don't think so." Taki frowned slightly.

"Oh.. I don't think the man I like likes me, either. I.. hope you win her heart, Tobi." Tobi looked at her sadly. If only you knew..

Deidara looked past Tobi's shoulder, at Taki. He gave her a "now is the time to tell him" face. Taki blushed, and shook her head.

Everyone else looked at her strangely. Why did she just shake her head?

Time passed. Taki and Tobi's love for each other grew, and grew. They never told each other though, out of fear of rejection.

Sasori and Deidara helped Taki sort out her feelings for Tobi, while Kisame and Deidara helped Tobi sort out his feelings for Taki. Deidara helped both of them.

Taki liked and respected both Sasori and Deidara, for being so supportive. She treated them like her older brothers.

Currently, Taki was alone in the hideout with Sasori and Deidara. They were in the living room, on the couch.

"I'm going to my room." She said, getting up. "Ok." She stayed in there the rest of the day.

The next day, Taki left for Konoha for the week.

How Taki joined the Akatsuki(Tobi love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ