Chapter 7: Visiting home

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Taki's POV:

We all decided that this was a good time to leave for Konoha. I tied my leaf shinobi head band around my neck, and we started to leave. 

I looked at Deidara and Tobi. "We will probably get there in about twenty minutes." They nodded. For some reason, I suddenly felt the need to tell them more about myself at that moment.

"While we walk, I think we should get to know each other better. After all," I smiled a closed eye smile. "We're best friends, aren't we?" 

I could see the smiles on their faces when I said that. 

"Here, I'll go first, and tell you some things you may not know about me. I am the last of the Harigae clan. I carry the Transmutation jutsu, my kekkei genkai. I was born in a river, near a waterfall. That is why they gave me my name; Taki means waterfall."

I continued. "My mother died bringing me to this world, and my father died in the war. Luckily, I still had my uncle, Kazumi. He was ever so kind to me, and for the most part, he was all I had."

"I had no friends, and no family, save Kazumi. Others thought I was too strange and weird to be friends with me."

 I paused. "This is the first time I have ever had a.. friend. I hope you will except me for who I am.. even if I am strange."

Deidara and Tobi took a few steps towards me. They wrapped their arms around me, and pulled me into a hug.

 "Of course we except you. We don't think you are strange, actually quite the opposite. We hope you can stay with us forever, not only as friends, but maybe like a family, un."

Tears of happiness slipped through my eyes. Deidara always knew what to say, and I was surprised that Tobi would hug me for such a silly matter.

We got to Konohagakure, and I ran over to my house. Deidara and Tobi ran after me, trying to keep up. "Wait, Taki-chan! Deidara-senpai and Tobi can't keep up! Taki-chan!" I loved hearing Tobi's voice. It made me happy.

I opened the door, and walked in. Deidara and Tobi walked in after me. Everything inside was how we left it; nice and tidy. Kazumi and I always loved keeping our house clean.

I walked into my room. I went to my nightstand, and picked up a framed picture. It was a picture of my mother and my father.

I stared at it for awhile, before Deidara came up behind me. "Are those your parents?" 

I nodded silently. I put it in my packing bag, along with my clothes.

I walked into Kazumi's room, and looked around. I didn't want to take anything from his room, partially for respect.

I was about to walk out of the house to grab some things in the village, when Deidara stopped me.

"Is it ok if Tobi and I stay here while you are out in the village, hn?" I nodded, even though I was confused why they didn't want to go to the village.

I walked into the village, and looked around the shops. I remembered how Konan said that they could never cook, and how they never had something good to eat. I bought some food for later, and put it in my packing bag. Maybe I could make breakfast tomorrow.

As I reached for an apple, my hand bumped into a pale one. I looked up to see a boy with black hair, and translucent-looking pale skin. He smiled. Of course I knew it was a fake smile.

"I'm sorry. You see, I was getting an apple for my friends, Naruto and Sakura. I read in a book that getting something for your friends can make them like you. My name is Sai. Yours?"

I immediately knew that he must have gone through Root training, something that helps get rid of most emotion you have. Kazumi told me that.

I smiled back. "That's very nice of you. My name is Taki Harigae. I was getting an apple for my friends, Tobi and Deidara. I have never had a friend before though, so I have been reading a few books every now and then as well. Not as often as you, I'm sure."

I saw Sai's face light up. He smiled an actual smile. I guessed that he was trying to regain his emotions, so I felt happy for him.

"Wow! I didn't think you would be so much like me. Do you.. do you think we could be.. friends?" Sai looked a bit nervous.

I laughed. He looked at me, confused. "You are laughing. Does that mean yes?" I nodded. He smiled again, for real. 

He looked down. "Would you like to meet my friends? I think they would like you." I nodded, and he looked back up at me. I said, "Here. Let's get our apples, and I'll pay for them. We can go together."

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