Chapter 13: Home sweet home

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Deidara's POV:
I looked at the clock. 2:37.

I was feeling very bored, and I wanted so badly to explore the house, but Tobi insisted that we play this weird game called Shogi instead, which happened to be lying around her house.

I thought about what happened today as we played.

We had played for several hours, until we started to get hungry. The problem was that we couldn't go out into the village to eat, and we didn't have the strength to transform into a villager.

We got hungry enough to the point where we decided that Taki wouldn't mind if we ate some of her food that she had.

We were about to open her fridge door, when we saw a note with neat handwriting posted on the door. It read:

Tobi and Deidara,

I know that you might get hungry while I'm away, so I made something for you. It's on the counter, if you already hadn't noticed.


I hid a small smile making its way on my face and walked over to the counter. A piece of cloth was laid over the top of the food on the plate, to preserve it.

I took off the cloth to see what it was Taki had made for us. Immediately my child-like personality came out.

"Dango!" Tobi and I squealed. We brought it over to the table, and sat down. 

"Itadakimasu!" We said, even though we knew Taki was not here.

I was about to eat, when I stared at Tobi. I hadn't forgotten the last time we went out to eat together, as I was tricked by Tobi into thinking that I could see behind his mask.

Even now, I was still curious. Tobi was about to turn away, when I interrupted him.


He slowly turned back to me, surprisingly silent. It seemed that he knew exactly what was going on.

I crossed my arms. "Come on, just take the mask off already, hm."

Tobi was silent, then shook his head slowly. "I can't, Deidara. I just can't." His voice was still childish, but with a hint of both seriousness and maturity.

Silence hung in the air. Tobi kept staring at me, then turned away, flipped open his mask, and ate.

I huffed in annoyance, then ate as well. My eyes widened.

"This is.. the best meal I have ever eaten in a long time, un." I muttered.

It really was delicious. Especially because of the fact that we have been eating very low quality food, this tasted like something from a five star restaurant.

Tobi's mood switched almost instantly. "Yum! This is good! Taki's cooking is the best!"

Normally Tobi would have more of an eccentric reaction, which left me confused.
*End flashback*

I looked over at Tobi, who has now fallen asleep. I sighed. Finally.

I looked at the clock. 3:43. I got up, and decided to explore the house. The only room I had been in was the kitchen.

I went around the corner of the kitchen, revealing the family room.

It included a green rug, a coffee table, and a large black couch with green pillows on them. It was definitely nicer than our hideout's living room.

I went down the hallway to find a bathroom. Why not? I opened the door to find a huge bathroom. A glass shower was present, along with a large tub next to it.

A long sink was on the other side of the wall, with a mirror and cabinets surrounding it. Soft rugs were placed in many places. Two doors in the bathroom caught my attention.

One had just a normal toilet in it, while the other was a huge closet filled with clothing. I closed both doors and walked out of the bathroom.

That bathroom was also a lot nicer than our hideout.

I walked into Taki's room. I had already seen her room before though, so I closed it.

Last I opened the door to Kazumi's room. I was debating whether to go in or not, out of respect.

I skimmed the room, not planning to stay long. I was about to leave, when something caught my eye.

I walked up to see a small book, labeled My Diary. I quickly stuffed it into my cloak.

I walked back to the kitchen, finding that Tobi had woken up. Our heads turned to see the front door open, Taki had walked through silently with a sad look on her face.

She had been holding crutches, with a bag slung over her back.

Slightly worried, we ran over to her. "Taki, are you ok? You're holding crutches."

She smiled. "Yeah, I had just passed out of exhaustion. Anyway, I got what I needed from the village. We can go home now."

I could sense emptiness in her voice as she spoke. Just then Tobi squeezed the life out of her.

"Taki-chaan! You're back! It was so boring without you! What happened when you left? Was it fun? Did you have a good time? Did you get what you wanted? Ho-"

I punched Tobi on the shoulder. "Oww.." I was starting to get worried about Taki.

She wasn't her normal cheery self. She hadn't blushed even the slightest when Tobi hugged her. A smile was plastered on her face, but she was silent most of the way home.

We got home around seven, and we were greeted by everyone. Well, except for Zetsu. Who knows what he was doing? I don't even think Taki has met him yet.

"Um.. I'm going to bed, is that alright?" Taki asked. Konan cocked her head to the side.

"Sure, but we were about to make dinner. You sure?"

Taki nodded with a small smile, and she made her way up the stairs.

Konan turned to me, a look of concern on her face. "Is Taki alright? She isn't acting like herself. Also would you care to explain why she was on crutches that look different from before?"

I nodded. "She had apparently passed out of exhaustion while she was at the market. She was treated at the hospital, though, hm."

"And as for the other thing, I have no idea what could have dampened her spirits. She is always so cheerful, and happy, un. I think I'm going to go talk to her."

I went upstairs to our room, and knocked. I let myself in, to see Taki in her night clothes, face down on the bed.

I myself quickly undressed and put on my night clothes. I went over to Taki, and sat on her bed next to her. I rubbed her back, hoping it would be comforting. "Is there anything you would like to tell me, un?" I whispered soothingly.

Her head slowly bobbed up and down. She told me everything. How she met Sai and his friends, how she got placed in the hospital, her spar, and her goodbye to everyone she met.

She even told me about how she had kissed Sai as a friendship's goodbye present.

She talked all about her day, the goods and the bads.

And I listened.

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