Chapter 14- Crackers and Cheese

Start from the beginning

I crouch by the trash can, carefully pulling the picture frame out, careful to avoid the glass. A few shards remain in the frame, an old crinkled photograph clinging to the smooth wood pinning it in. I squint, my stomach lurching a little as I realize what the thick, dried, crimson streak is.

I glance cautiously towards the door, standing as I carefully pick out the pieces of glass, dropping them into the trash as I carefully pull the photograph from the cracked frame. The photograph shows a young boy with a wide toothy grin, wild untamed curls, and happy bright eyes.

A small smile tugs at my lips as I look to the other person in the picture. The woman has dark hair and sallow skin, soft brown eyes and a gentle smile on her cracked lips. Yet her grip on the young boy is obviously feeble, her body weakened with sickness, a small flicker of awe goes through me at her beauty.

"That's my mother..." A quiet voice murmurs behind me.

I jump and gasp, my hand flying to my chest as I spin around. Harrys watching me, hands folded behind his back with a bag hanging from his wrist. A ghost of the happy child in the photo lingers in his sad eyes.

The corner of his lips pulls up a little, relief flowing through me. He's not upset. I look back to the bloodied picture in my hands, murmuring quietly "She's beautiful..."

He nods once, stepping closer as he examines the picture. "I always thought so, too..." His tone is admiring and I smile slightly.

His eyes remain on his mothers face as he adds quietly "She died when I was five.. right in front of me.."

My heart sinks.

"Oh, Harry..." I whisper. His eyes grow foggy, lost in memory. I feel like Im intruding on a special moment and I look away, pity throbbing in my chest.

After a moment he looks back up at me. He smiles again and takes the picture from my hands, setting it on the desk gingerly as he pulls me towards the window. My tone is cautious, eying him as he opens the window "Harry..."

He looks back at me, grinning as he holds up the bag. He rushes over, startling me a little as he wraps his arm around my waist, tugging me towards the open window.

He's bloody insane.

"Harry!" I squeal as he sits on the edge of the windowsill, throwing his legs over the edge.

"Relax." He laughs, his head throwing back and his eyes clenching shut. "There's a roof." He chuckles, shaking his head. I sigh deeply in relief and lean forwards a bit, looking out. Sure enough, a dark slanted surface looms in the night.

He steps out onto the roof, offering me his hand. I hesitantly slip my hand into his as he helps me out onto the roof. He sits down, legs sprawled in front of him lazily, undaunted by the dizzying height. I hurriedly sit beside him, watching the edge warily. "It's fine, Diana.. I won't let you fall.." He says reassuringly.

I already fell, a voice in the back of my head comments. I push it aside, smiling in reply.

"What's that?" I point to the bag hanging from his wrist. "Ah." He says, pulling it into his lap as he opens it. He reaches in, confusion taking over my features as he pulls out animal crackers and a jar of nacho cheese, followed by two water bottles. I laugh a little, my brows furrowed.

He unrolls the bag, screwing the lid off the jar. I watch him cautiously, my fingers fiddling with the material of my shirt. He pops one of the crackers into his mouth and I can't help but smile at the childish happiness in his eyes. The boy gives me a whiplash.

He acts like a four year old on a Redbull high, yet I could practically swoon just over the contrast the pale crackers gave to his rosy lips.

Then I feel a shock as he dips a cracker into the artificially orange cheese, proudly taking a bite. I can't help myself when my nose crinkles up and I grimace.

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