chapter 17

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Time and time again Zayn had tried to score a goal in the match but it was to no avail. He looked as the minutes ticked away of the the now, second half of the match and could feel himself getting frustrated.

"Keep going, Zayn! Keep going!" His coach shouted from the side.

"Keep going, Zayn." A member from the opposing team mimicked, just to try and get under Zayn's skin. "Keep going right off the fucking field."

Ignore them. It's not worth fucking everything up just because of this tosser. You can do this Zayn.

"Come on Zayn, you can do this." Harry says, unaware that he's started voicing his thoughts.

"Their defence is too fucking strong I can't do this." Zayn said to James, his teammate.

"We'll try to blindside them. Give me control of the ball and I'll try score because you're too much of a likely choice."

Zayn's calves were on fire - in fact everything felt like it was on fire. His skin, muscle, hell even his eyes.

Zayn and James worked together and did well up until the point where it came time to score.

James got a good kick in - or at least he thought tag he did but it was far too high, bouncing off the top of the goal post and flying into the air, with everyone's eyes on it.

"Fuck!" He shouted, thinking he had missed their last chance at winning this thing when Zayn sprinted to where he anticipated the ball will land and jumped up, getting in a perfect overhead kick. It all happened at lightening speed for Zayn. One minute he was in the air, the next, he heard gasps followed by raucous cheering.

The ball had been kicked with such brute force that it smacked the goalkeeper square on the cheek, and into the goal post.

Zayn collapsed onto his left side, crushing his arm under his weight but never failed to take his eyes off the scene before him and in mere seconds, had his entire team on him, elated that they had just won their final - and most important match of the year.

"Okay, get off, get off." Liam said to the other guys after a good few seconds had passed and offered his hand to help Zayn up.

He winched slightly as the pressure was relieved off his left arm but the smile on his face never fell away.

"You fucking did it!" Liam hugged him and gave him a few rough pats on the back.


As expected, a huge celebration would take place that night.

As soon as Zayn walked into the pub, he was met with a wide grin from Harry - mainly because it was those forest green eyes that he sought out to find over everyone else that wanted to congratulate him tonight.

"You were great today." Harry said, letting his lips brush against Zayn's cheek, sending shivers all over his body.

Zayn bit on his bottom lip hard enough to leave it throbbing so that he could focus in his own mouth instead of Harry's and nodded. "It was such a fucking rush."

"When are the scouts going to get back to you?"

"When they're ready I guess - early next year?" Zayn shrugged and laughed nervously. It was the first time that Harry actually saw him being slightly anxious about something.

"W-" Harry was cut off by other members of their friend circle coming over to Zayn and congratulating him before pulling them both to their table.

This is nice - it always is, but Harry notices how fidgety Zayn is. Continuously shifting in his seat, playing with his watch, stroking the stubble on his chin -

"I'm gonna go for a smoke." Zayn mentions and let's his eyes linger on Harry's before gracefully leaving the booth.

"Uh," Harry steals a glance at Louis who's busy chatting away with Liam. "I'm gonna go pee." He lies and sneaks out to where he saw Zayn go.

Once outside, in the alley, Zayn doesn't attack Harry like expected. Instead he offers him a warm smile which makes Harry blush. He kicks at the gravely ground with his already scuffed up tan boots and shoves his hands in his pockets, taking an easy stroll towards Zayn.

"How's that arm of yours?"

"A bit bruised up, but I think I'll live." Zayn smirks.

"You sure?" Harry teases. His voice full of amusement as he gets closer to Zayn.

"Mm," Zayn hums and walks fills the gap between himself and Harry.

Zayn's eyes dart to the door they both exited from before looking up at the slightly taller Harry, brushing his nose against his. They tease each other with small kisses and nips at each other lips but no one makes the first move until Zayn grins.

"You're so..."

"What?" Harry whispers.

"I don't know." Zayn answers honestly with a light laugh.

Harry is just so ___ to him - in a good way - the best way. He's never met anyone with his character, his charm.

Harry slowly removes his hand from his pocket to rest on Zayn's chest. From there, he moves it up to his neck and Zayn hums as soon as the metal of Harry's rings comes into contact with his skin.

The small sound encourages Harry to kiss Zayn once again and hold him in place as he tentatively sticks his tongue out to kick along Zayn's full bottom lip.

Harry sighs once Zayn opens his mouth and let's their tongues slowly touch.

What both do fail to realise is that someone also decided to get some air and open the alley door, only to quietly close it once their eyes met the sight of Zayn and Harry sharing a sweet but short lived kiss.

"Not here." Zayn whispers once he's pulled away and creates some space between himself and Harry. Harry nods, even though he's slightly disappointed. He understands that Zayn hasn't come out yet, so he would never force the situation.

Zayn licks his lips and looks up at the night sky, the stars few amongst the endless black canvas. "Go in, I'll follow in a while." He tells Harry who abides and heads back in.

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