Nyo! Germany x Germany- It's Over

Start from the beginning

"Good morning lass!" He stands up, the palm of his hands dusting the dirt off of his pants. "How's everything?"

"Oh, everything's fine. How's Francine? The baby?" She gives a gentel tug on the leashes in hope that the dogs would stay put. 

"Bratty. Very, very bratty." He answered with a laugh.

"The baby?"

"Nope, Francine. The baby is just fine though. Being very cute, and looking much like her mother! I just pray that she'll have my personality though, I love Francine and all. But having two, and living with them," he shook his head, "now that would be stressful."

Monika let out a brisk chuckle, bringing a hand to her lips.

"Now what about that Ludwig of yours? Proposed? He ought to, your a lovely young woman and he shouldn't let that slip through his fingers." He gave her a small wink.

Monika chuckled once again, her cheeks tinting a light pink.

"Unfortunately for me, he hasn't proposed."

"Well you never know, it might be soon!" 

"Maybe so! Now I must go, these two are getting antsy."

"Alright, love, have a safe walk!" He says to her before once again getting back down on his knees to dig another fresh hole of dirt.

Monika nodded and waved to him as she walked away. She hummed softy as she trailed behinf her dogs. Looking up she saw a clear blue sky with few clouds. She looked back down, as she sang a soft tune under her breath. 

       And then, for the next two hours Monika proceeds to walk around the park and town but ended up heading for home. She jogged most of the way so the dogs could get rid of most of their energy. She stopped and smiled when she saw Ludwig's car in the driveway. She got up to the house and opened the door. 

"Ludwig! I'm home!" She called, crouching down on one knee to unhook the dogs. All she heard was silence, and something scrapping on the floor

"Ludwig?" She called again starting to make her way up the stairs. Everything was still. She walked across the creaky floorboards, peaking into her bedroom. It was a mess. Her clothes were on the floor, books scattered around, and.... And glass shattered the floor.

Monika wrapped her arms around her abdomen her eyes widening with confusuion and worry. Ludwig was packing... And Feliciano was at his side...

"L-Ludwig....?" She asked again, stepping closer to put a shaky hand on his shoulder. Ludwig turned around and smacked it away. She pulled it back to her chest, staring at him in shock.

"Don't touch me...." He growled in a deep voice, his once warm blue eyes now cold ice that could kill. Monika took a step back, analzing his face. 

"What's going on? Why are you packing? " Monika asked in a concerned voice, holding her arms. LUdwig was silent as he continued to fold his clothes putting them in the suit case neatly. 

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