Chapter - 10 ~ At the Airport

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The next morning, the sun blazed a bit more brightly at dawn, the birds chirruped a whole new hymn and the chilly air was filled with a tinge of romance, whistling it's own composed song. The alarm didn't sound annoying, but the sound of rooster soothed like that of a cuckoo's, marking the beginning of a new morning and a new chapter of Aditya's life.

Aditya was no more sleepy, as he usually is when he has to wake up early in the morning. The phone showed 5:00 a.m. and he began to get ready to catch his flight scheduled three and a half hours later. He called up his girl, to wish her the first morning, but unfortunately, her rooster had already wished her and woken her up. She was going for a bath and asked Adi to be ready latest by six, so that they reach the Dabolim airport at least by 7:30.

Aditya was ready by 5:45 a.m., which is actually too long for a guy. He took his luggage, locked his room and handed over the keys to the reception. Then, he sat on the couch, searching for the nearest cab. In five minutes, he got one, the expected arrival within five minutes. Everything was set, he now awaited the arrival of his partner.

Five minutes later, he saw her coming followed by the cab. Aditya checked out with his luggage, hugged her gently and started placing the luggage in the boot. They couldn't exchange pleasantries then since they had to head off for the airport immediately but the cab was a good place for them to plan their new life.

"What was the first thing you did today?" Aditya asked.

"Dismissed my alarm!" Saeedah joked.

"Ahh! I know, I mean, something unique. That's a routine." Aditya rolled his eyes.

"I couldn't make myself believe that I was actually going to leave the house I had had all my good and bad times in, except when I was with my aunt. It really pained me to leave my father's house all of a sudden; it's not just a house, it's... much more!" she bowed her head.

"Hey! Please don't upset yourself. I'll take care of you, if not better than your father, but I'll try to give you everything I can afford. Don't worry! You'll be fine! Trust me!" Aditya rubbed his thumb gently against her hand.

"I trust you, Adi! It's just that I have a deep bond, a... a connection with my house I can't break, so it was a bit difficult to part with it. God knows who'll take care of it now!" she sighed and rested her head on his shoulder.

Aditya stroked her hair and soon, she dozed off. Her tiredness didn't suppress her beauty a bit but her eyebrows were creased, a blend of sorrow and worry reflected on her face.


They reached the airport just in time, one hour and five minutes before the scheduled time of the flight. They received their boarding passes, deposited their luggage, cleared the security check-in and proceeded towards their boarding gate. There were still forty minutes left for the flight, so around fifteen minutes for boarding.

"Why don't you ask your neighbours to take care of your house?" Aditya spoke up.

"My neighbourhood was as good a stranger to me as yours would be. No one talked to me. They just noticed me going and coming everyday. I can't expect any help from them." Saeedah replied forcibly.

"Okay! And why don't you rent it out to any of your office friends or their knowns?" he asked.

"I only have colleagues, no friends!" Saeedah replied in a small voice.

She suddenly froze. "Wait! My office! I completely forgot about it! What will I say to my boss? I'm leaving this place forever. I didn't even apply for resignation. Leave alone resignation, I didn't even inform them!"

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