Chapter - 6 ~ Revealed

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Your mom is Calling back...Aditya's phone rang.

"Good morning Mom!" Aditya greeted her in a sleepy voice.

"Adi! Wake up! I said get up right now!" Mrs. Singhania said, in a fuming tone.

Aditya fell down from his bed listening to such a fiery morning greeting from her mother.

"Ouch! Mom! Why are you so frustrated? It's just (looking at his watch) 8 a.m. What happened?" Aditya exclaimed, massaging his pelvic bone.

"I am SO angry with you! You said you'll tell me all about your yesterday's visits but you didn't call me. I waited for you till midnight. How could you be so careless, Adi? I know it isn't a compulsion on you to share every experience with me but you should have at least kept your word." Mrs. Singhania sounded really upset.

"I'm sorry Mom! I completely forgot to call you. I am so sorry!" Aditya sounded guilty. He knew his mother was alone and that it was only him whose experiences she could listen to and whom she could share her experiences with. This made him feel all the more remorseful.

"Okay Mom! So, before I get up from the floor, I'll tell you what all happened yesterday. I'm sure you'll forget your anger!"

"Get up from the floor? Did you sleep on the floor?" she asked in bewilderment.

"No...ammm...I just... fell down!" he replied with little hesitation.

She gave a loud crack of laughter. "Did I scare you so much?"

"Amm...Yeah! Sort of! Okay leave. I have a lot to tell!"

He told her everything what happened the previous day and it did lighten her mood.

"Do you really think it was just a coincidence?" his mother asked, pondering over the coincidences, which, somehow, didn't seem coincidental to her.

"I don't know mom! May be! But whatever it was, I loved it!"

"I know. I liked the way you saw her off. I mean, it's very common, but not for an unromantic boy like you!"

"Mom please! I admit that I've always acted like 'Mumma's Boy', but I do watch romantic movies. So even I can express my feelings. Why do you underestimate me so much?"

"Because I'm your mother and I know you. I repeat, what you did is not a big deal but since I've never seen you expressing your feelings so openly to me, it's difficult for me to believe that you did to her. But whatever the case may be, I'm happy you did..."

She started again, "So, will you see her today? Will she come to the resort? Will you tell your feelings to her? Will you..." she kept on asking, forgetting all rules of punctuations.

"Mom! Mom! Calm down! ... Huh! My God! So many questions at one go!"

"I just got excited. Okay tell me, will you meet her today?"

"I can't say anything but yeah, I want to. Since I don't know her address and don't have the guts to ask her either, so I guess we can meet only if she comes. And I really hope she does!" he yearned.

"Hmmm...So, are you fully awake now? You were very sleepy quite a few minutes before." She giggled.

"Yes mom! How can I sleep after such a dreadful 'good morning' from your side."

"That's good! Now I'll use the same technique to wake you up. You are such a sleepaholic, Adi!"

"Mom please don't call me that! If you want to call me names, call me something better ammm... 'Sleeping beauty'! he said with a weird blush on his face.

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