Chapter - 5 ~ Adi's Day Out!

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The next morning, Aditya woke up with a throbbing headache. He brushed and after a break of ten minutes went to freshen up. For the first time, he changed into decent 'wearable' clothes rather than his regular loose T-shirt and knickers. He sat down and began to laugh, recalling the previous day's incident. He laughed continuously for fifteen minutes. If he had taken the room on sharing basis, his room partner would have declared him insane and would have either left the room himself or pushed him out of the room!

He called up his mother.

"Good morning, dear! How are you? Did you sleep well?"

Aditya greeted her with a terrible laugh.

"What happened? Why are you laughing so badly? I mean - yeah - I am happy you are happy but I didn't expect THIS. Please tell me fast. I'm getting curious!"

"Ohhkk Mohhm!" he said, controlling himself. "So, yesterday, when I hung up..." he explained all that happened last night.

His mother burst into laughter too.

"Oh my god! That was ludicrous!" *laughs* "But why did you behave like that?"

"Mom! Please try and understand! I couldn't act normally. I hadn't expected to see her again. I was in a terrible shock...and more than that in a terrible condition... my clothes, my room, my things... all were 'too presentable' to welcome her. But I wish I get such shocks again and again. These are good for health, after all!" he giggled.

"You seem to be in a jolly mood today! SO, what's your plan? You've been postponing your visits to all those BEAUTIFUL places for something MORE beautiful, but you SHOULD go somewhere today. Will you?"

"Yes. I had already decided about that a day before. I'll visit the Dudhsagar falls and Se Cathedral Church. I'll hire a cab from the resort. I'm not sure if I'll get one easily but since I haven't hired a travel agent, I'll have to do everything myself!"

"I know! You are so stupid, Adi! You were in such a hurry that you couldn't even hire a travel agent! God knows what was going on in your mind! I mean, you thought that you'll be able to make your trip successful without a guide, huh? Especially when you had never visited that place before! Anyway, get ready fast and tell me everything in the evening. Okay?"

"Yeah! Okay!"

"Bye then!"

"Bye, mom! Have a nice day!"

He cut the call and ordered his breakfast. The same boy had brought the breakfast and was in exactly the same condition in which Aditya was a day before.

Aditya chuckled and took the tray from him. He wanted to apologize but before he could say anything, the boy had fled. So he let it go.

He had his breakfast, now like a real Punjabi, cherishing each and every bite! After licking the spoons and his fingertips, he got up, washed his hands, locked the room and went to the reception to submit the key. Then, he came out of the resort, absolutely clueless where to hire the cab from. He went back and asked the receptionist. She told him about the Canacona bus station which was three kilometres away. She even advised him to book a cab so as to avoid walking to the bus station.

Aditya sat on the couch. After struggling for fifteen minutes, he finally got a cab. It reached the resort in five minutes and they headed off for Dudhsagar falls.

"How much time will it take to reach there?" asked Aditya.

"Two hours, Sir!" the cabman replied.

Aditya rested his head on the car seat and soon dozed off.


"Wake up, Sir! Wake up! We are there!" the cabman said, trying to wake Aditya up from his slumber. He felt as if he hadn't slept for a fortnight, because the way he looked at him was quite scary!

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