New Message 19

63 3 6

The movies was fun. Phil seemed to be glad to of been out of the hospital after a long time. Can't blame him.

Evan's meeting wasnt very important. Just talked and then I left to come with Phil really.

Where just walking through the streets from England. It's a nice day since there not alt of people here at rhe momment.



"Do you wink?"

"Where'd that question come from? And yes why'd you ask. Lol"

"Wink its weird. I cant do no matter how hard I try. Is it some sort of magic people have but me?"

Is he actually serious? Hehe he's so adorable.

"Yes it's a new magic trick well actually it's a new spell we learn when we're young. It's from Harry Potter very secret spell."

"Wow u serious?"


His eyes just made him see beautiful with his expression. He actually looks serious.

"Do you wanna just walk back home? I cant stand walking."

"Yeah sometimes I wish we could sit walking.".

"That doesn't even make sense Phil."

"Doesn't have to."

I ruffle his dark soft hair.

"Your so weird."

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