New Message 27

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Evan seems different

After our unexpected mett up yesterday he seemed busy...

I wonder if it's just a new game he's playing...

But after left he sped of....

I hope he's not doing anything bad...

But today is a great day I get to see Phil again ^^

I'm in the way to the hospital he's messaged me saying how much he misses me and  how much he hates the hospital 

Freedom will feel so great for him.

*Tiem skip with them in Dan's room*

"This definitely feels way better than hospital."

"I bought some sweets if your down for that."

I pulled out the boxes of sweets

Now thinking about if we didn't like them I'll have three boxes of these things that'll definitely be a waste..

"I've never tried these before I wonder if they taste like their color." How can someone hate this guy. He's amazing. He's something that someone enjoys.

"I've never tried these as well actually and it's my first time. So my guess as good as yours."

I pulled out a black one it's actually really soft, it looks pretty neat. 

Soft and neat is all I can see so far....

"Mmmmm,they're really good."

Phil's already eaten his and on second. 

"Don't eat to many if you don't want to end up in the hospital....again." 

"Lol, be quiet Daniel."

"Do people even say lol anymore Philip?"

"We'll didn't we just say it?" 

"lol I guess but we might be the only ones."

Author note: sorry If this was a lot I'd dialog and it was confusing I didn't really know if I should put tiny details in.

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