"Let's go." 

We toss our trash and walk into the crowded school hallway. 

"My class is this way." He says.

"Okay. See you later!" I yell after his as he jogs down the hallway. 

I scurry away to my next class and sit down. The next bell rings and everyone shuffles into the room, taking their seats. 


After school I hurried to the field to watch practice. I sat on the cold bleachers in my skirt. No one had yet arrived. The boys were already practicing. 

Then I saw two girl rushing over to sit on the bleachers. They sat and immediately started conversing with one another. Then a couple more people showed up and sat. I watched as they went on. Two boys grabbed long sticks and stood, protecting the goal. They smashed people left and right as the coach perked up in happiness. Then Liam was up. Liam swung his net, catching it in his other hand. The coach blew the whistle and they ran at each other. My brother ducked out of the first guys, but went right over the second ones head. Landing on his leg, I practically heard it snapping. 

"Liam!" I screamed and ran on the field. Pushing the crowd of boys as I reached my brother. I kneeled down next to him. 

"I'm alright." He said. 

One of the boys helped me pull him up. Liam tried putting pressure on it, but screamed in pain. 

"We should probably get him to the nurse or something." The second boys said. 

I gave him a glare, "Ya think." 

The two boys grabbed Liam and helped me get him inside the school. The nurse was still in her office. We got him seated as she checked. 

"This looks like a break, he needs to get an x-ray." 

"We can get dad to check this out." I said to my brother.

"He'll be mad Blaire." He said, tears threatening to fall. 

"Its not your fault." I said, giving the two boys glares. "Come on." 

"We'll help." One of the boys said. 

I narrowed my eyes as they helped Liam up and out of the school. They got him in my car and followed me to the hospital. On arrival, our step father was at the counter. 

"Hey guys." He said and smiled at us. "What's wrong?" 

I moved so he could look at Liam's very swollen ankle. 

"That doesn't look good." 

I nodded. He had us follow him to a room and got him situated on a bed. The two boys left the room. 

"What happened?" He asked. 

"I went up against two juniors." Liam said, starting to cry. 

"Liam, we work smarter not harder." 

"I just wanted to make captain, I was almost there too." 

Our dad sighed. 

"Are you mad?" Liam asked. 

"Not even close, now you're mother might be mad at me for getting you into this sport. You have nothing to worry about."

"Is it broken?" I asked. 

"We'll have to get it x- rayed." 

I nodded. 

"You rest while I go get it set up." He said. "Come on Blaire." 

We walked out. I saw the boy that knocked my brother standing outside the room. MY dad walked away and I looked at him. 

"I'm so sorry, I was just trying to teach him a lesson." 

"And that required breaking his ankle?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It was on complete accident, he's such a tiny guy that I didn't think it would happen like that." 

"Well you completely ruined everything for him." 

"I know." He sighed. 

"Well you should leave, because you've caused enough damage." 

He nodded and walked past me. 

"And for future reference." He turned. "My name is Scott." 

"There will be no future for us." I smiled as he turned. 

I sat back in a chair and waited until my dad came back. Once he did he got Liam to the x-ray room and then brought him back. 

"Stay with him." My dad told me. 

I nodded and walked into his room. I sat down in the chair next to his bed. 

"This sucks." Liam sighed. 

"It'll be okay." 

"I'll probably never get to play again." 

"I know you will Liam, you're a strong kid." 

"Will you stay with me tonight?" 

"Of course, do you want me to go get stuff from the house?" 

He nodded. 

"I'll be back." 

I kissed his head and walked out.


how you liking it? is it okay? i really wanna know! 

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