•beyond greatful•

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Skylars p.o.v
I opened Ian's letter, curious as to why he had written me. Him and I were kinda closer than I was to everyone else, besides Carl. I looked up to him, I looked up to all of them. But something about Ian made us click, like he could be the best older brother I've never had.


Hey. I know it's probably hard for you in there. Haha what am I kidding, you and carl probably run the place. I bet it's crazy in there. But anyways, I overheard, well Fiona told us, that you're going on medication and that she's worried that you won't let them put you on it. She didn't ask me to write you, I'm doing this on my own. I know personally how it feels to feel depressed all the time, to feel angry all the time, to try to make yourself better for everyone without letting them know you're trying. It's hard. The worst thing I've done was refuse the medication. I wouldn't take it, and I'd lash out on the people I love most. Mickey and I almost broke up because of it and not losing him meant more to me than anything. I'm just asking you to say yes to the medication. Try it. It might just make your life better. It made me become a better person. If you want me to, I'd be honored to come visit you, I know you don't have many visitors. I look at you as my little sister. You mean just as much to me as Debbie does. I want to see you get out of jail and become the girl you need to be. I believe in you, and that's what you need. I'll always believe in you, more than you believe in yourself. We're not going to ever give up on you. You're a part of us now. This letter might not mean anything to you, I just want to give you what your parents never gave you. I want you to know that you're worth it. Just put me on your visitation and I'll come visit you okay?


I didn't realize the tears in my eyes until I finished the letter. I smiled to myself, and put the letter neatly in the envelope, and tucked it under my mattress. I'll write him back, I just don't have the words in my mind right now.

"425 days without you" SEQUEL. Ethan Cutkosky/ Carl gallagher. Where stories live. Discover now