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Hey guys! I am so sorry! My Wattpad account wouldn't let me log in and I was so worried! But I'm here now, and I have to clear up a few things:

•There are going to be massive trigger warnings in these books sometimes. Either you read it or you don't.

•They have been in prison for about 4 and a half months now

Okay guys, enjoy!!

Skylars p.o.v

I walked back to my cubby, unsure how to feel. I just cheated on Carl.

"Aye, this was on your bed when I got here" walker handed me an envelope. I grabbed it, and put it under my pillow, deciding to read it later.

"I'll read it later. I'm hungry. Let's go get food" I walked out and passed Mariana, who smirked at me.

Rolling my eyes, I walked into the cafeteria. There were three guards. Hm. There's normally only one.

I was handed a tray and I sat across from walker.

"Man I can't wait to get out" she said, eating a spoonful of rice.

"Same." I simply replied, my mind wandering. I can't stop thinking about the letter. Who would've written me? I don't get letters.

"Michaels" a male guard walked up to the table. I looked up, chewing my chicken.

"Come with me" I didn't feel like arguing so I stood up.

I was put in cuffs and pulled in the chiefs office.

"Ms. Michaels" chief Durk spoke with a kind tone

"What did I do now"

"Uncuff her"

I was uncuffed and I hopped on one of his chairs, kicking my feet up on his desk. I've been in this office a lot in the past few months.

"You may leave" Durk nodded at the guards. They left.

"So Skylar-"

"Michaels to you" he sighed

"Michaels. I have talked with our medical staff and we all think that you should be put on medication for your.. issues..."

I stared at him blankly. Issues? There's nothing wrong with me.

"Excuse me?" He sighed again, he seems to do that a lot.

"Skylar. You have been through a lot. You're fifteen. You're going to spend your sixteenth birthday in here. We know about your past. Just give the meds a try"

I thought about it.


"Do it for Carl then"

I immediately got angry

"Don't fucking bring him into this"

"We contacted your mother to tell you but she gave off all rights to you. She gave your custody to Fiona Gallagher"

"So they know I'm going on them?"

"Yes they do"

"Fine. Only while I'm in here"

He dismissed me.

I walked out into the hall and was escorted back into the room with all the cubbies in them.

"What did you do" walker asked, laying down in her bunk.

"They're putting me on crazy meds" I said quietly, if the wrong person hears, I'm not tryna fight anymore.

"Damn girl" she rolled over and I could tell she wanted sleep. Just then, I remembered the letter under my pillow.

I look at the front of the envelope, seeing who had written me.

To Skylar Michaels,
GO75Hc22  (a/n each prisoner has a number and that's her number)

From: Ian Gallagher

hey guys! I actually feel so bad because my account was not letting me in and I couldn't update for you guys. I was so worried that I was going to lose my account. But thank you guys so much! I see how much you guys love this book and it makes me happy!


"425 days without you" SEQUEL. Ethan Cutkosky/ Carl gallagher. Where stories live. Discover now