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seokjin woke up to the sound of muffled voices coming from the other side of the door and an odd smell that circled around the room. the space beside him was empty and though seokjin knew he shouldn't have been, he was a tad bit disappointed.

with clenched fists he attempted to rub the sleep out of his eyes, though it didn't help, much to the fact that he and namjoon had gone to sleep at around 3 am last night. he was surprised that the latter was awake at all. but that might be because of a guest that was currently in the apartment, judging by the unknown voice that could be heard from, what he believed, was the living room.

it wasn't all that bad really. spending the night with namjoon had made up for it. but again, it would've been nice to wake up in the same bed together. seokjin was aware that it was quite selfish of him but he couldn't help it. he was just naturally drawn to the male.

he lifted the covers off his body and searched around for his clothes, seeing them neatly forded on top of the night table, along with a small note stuck onto namjoon's hoodie.

'washed your clothes this morning and left some breakfast for when you wake up. eat more, hyung.'

seokjin let a tiny smile take over his features as he folded the note, placing it neatly on the table and proceeding to change into his now clean clothes (pulling on namjoon's hoodie to cover up his still prominent hickeys, of course.) he grabbed the note, slipping it into his pocket before quietly slipping out the room.

"you need to stop bringin' your fucking sluts to the damn apartment."

and that was the first thing he heard. he wasn't sure wether who ever was talking, was talking about him, but the way the person spouted out that sentence was aggressive and it was obvious that he wasn't happy.

seokjin shuffled a bit closer the corner where he could now see both namjoon and another male sitting across from each other. namjoon's back was facing him but by the way his voice trembled slightly as he spoke, seokjin could tell he was trying his hardest not to yell at the other.

" watch your damn mouth, jeon, cause you're definitely not in the position to be talking."

"you keep bringing your fuck buddies to the damn house, it's aggravating."

"i'm an adult, i don't need you to be monitoring who i bring. bloody hell, we didn't even do anything. jin is just a friend from high school."

with furrowed brows and anger rising within him, seokjin finally decided to appear in 'jeon's' field of vision.

it took a few seconds for his presence to be noticed but it was worth it when the raven's eyes widened in size and his body flinched in surprise.

"uhm, good morning." he mumbled, awkwardly adverting his gaze away from seokjin's angered-filled one. namjoon had turned towards seokjin by now, reaction being the same as jeon's but it didn't last too long, for he quickly glared towards the other boy before standing up and hooking his arm with seokjin's.

the younger dragged the boy into the kitchen giving him a short apologetic look before sighing. "i suppose you heard most of that?" namjoon questioned.

"i heard the part where he said that you bring "sluts" and "fuck buddies" to the apartment." the brunette responded, using air quotations for emphasis though it was already clear that seokjin's voice was laced with annoyance.

"that's a story for another time. i'm sorry on behalf of my roommate though, jungkook can be a bit crude."

with a roll of his eyes seokjin turned on his heel. "i wonder who he got it from." and before he could walk out the tension-filled kitchen, a hand grasped his own, fingers tightening almost painfully.

"you're not seriously angry, are you?"

cue; sarcastic laugh.

"of course not. i totally don't find it absolutely offensive that your roommate thinks i'm another one of your fuck toys, why would i?"

"you're taking this wrong way, hyung."

"no, in fact, i'm taking it pretty well. any other person would've just slapped you and then left but instead here i am, listening to your bull crap."

seokjin yanked away his hand from namjoon's and exited the kitchen, stomping into the room and slamming the door close.

he was mad. but he was mostly disappointed; felt betrayed. he was aware that he shouldn't but he did. his chest ached, heart clenching in pure sadness because he really did like namjoon and in the past few days he had gotten too attached. so attached that the thought of him with someone else brought tears
to his eyes.

true they weren't dating and seokjin knew he had no right in telling him who he could sleep with. just like he had said; he was an adult. he realized then that he wasn't as angry about being called a slut but more angry at the fact that he couldn't have namjoon all to himself like he had hoped so, believed so for the past nights.

furiously, he wiped the tears that threatened to spill once a knock resonated around the room. the door slowly opened and seokjin had hoped it would've been namjoon. unfortunately, he was wrong and once he decided to look up from his lap, he locked eyes with a certain bunny-like male.

"may i help you?" he asked, eyebrow raised in a questioning manner and aggravation seeping through his voice.

said boy looked nervous, lip caught between his teeth almost to the point of bleeding. "i-i wanted to apologize for what i said at the dining table."

for a few seconds seokjin didn't think he was actually speaking to the guy who had called him a slut a few minutes earlier. his voice was a few octaves higher as well as almost inaudible and shaky.

the older almost felt bad, seeing the boy trembling like a lost puppy, cheeks tinted red and hands curled around the end of his black sweater.

"it's alright. what's your name?"

the latter flinched at the question, almost as if he was afraid.

"j-jeon jungkook. i'm 17."

"you're young, are you related to namjoon?"

jungkook shook his head.

"i ran away and namjoon-hyung took me in."

seokjin's eyes had widened a bit by now. he wanted to ask why but he knew the young boy probably wouldn't feel comfortable talking about it so he closed his mouth shut and nodded.

"i see. well, thank you for the apology."

jungkook smiled widely, showing off those bunny teeth that always seemed to catch seokjin's attention since he first saw them before bowing his head and turning on his heel leave the room, leaving seokjin by himself once again.

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