The End

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Kari's POV

'This is it' I thought, Gaara was next to me as we looked over at the Hokage mountains in the Leaf Village. "Ready?" Naruto asked coming through the big double doors behind me. "Yes sir Mr. Hokage" I joked and Gaara hooked arms with me as we turned around "I'm still your brother" he hugged me "and just because I'm Hokage and have kids doesn't mean anything, I'll still be there for you" "Now you're making me tear up" I sniffed and wiped incoming tears. "I'll be sure to take good care of her" Gaara spoke up and smiled "You better" Naruto laughed "The ceremony is about to start, you two should get out there". Me and Gaara walked down the aisle and stood underneath the arch that was covered in beautiful sakura flowers. Vows were said and rings exchanged, then the words were said. "You may now kiss the bride" and we shared a passionate kiss as everyone applauded and cheered. "I love you so much" I heard Gaara's voice through the cheers of the crowd "I love you too" I smiled and snuggled my face in his chest with a huge smile on my face. The after party was magical, fireflies glowed as Gaara and I danced to the song that played. It seemed like a dream and I never wanted it to end, I never wanted to wake up and find myself somewhere other than there with him. There was a small food fight with the cake, we started smashing the cake in everyone's faces and soon the other food joined the fun and everyone had something on them, portions big and small. I remember the proposal as well, that was also an amazing moment that I'll remember forever. We were having a picnic at the edge of a beach we found a few weeks earlier, and we visited it for dates. So there we were, sitting there with the champagne Gaara brought with some sandwiches and enjoying the sunset like we normally did. When I reached in for another triangular slice, I felt a small box shape and pulled it out "What's this?" I held it in my hand, it was small and the case was small and fuzzy. "Open it" Gaara smiled, I opened the box and gasped at what I saw. There was a beautiful opal diamond ring with a gorgeous flower design around the top "What's this for?" "Stand up" I did and then he knelt down in front of me. "Will you marry me?" I couldn't speak, I just nodded my head and burst into tears while hugging him. "I promise to take care of you and protect you with my life" "Save the promises for the vows" I teased and kissed him with a great passion.

Present Time

"And that's how father and I got married," I told the three small trios sitting calmly in front of me. "Wow that was great mom!" "Yeah!" the other two agreed and smiled brightly. "Alright, it's bedtime for the children" Gaara picked up our triplets James, Kenna, and Ben "You three have school in the morning" and a groan was exchanged as they were carried to their room. "Good night my babies, wake up bright and smiling for the world to see" I gave them all kisses on their foreheads and turned off the light, closing the door behind me. "Ready for another?" "Soon, I will be soon. I want to see them grow up first" I gave Gaara a hug as we went to our room and settled down for the night. Another child would be perfect, after the ones we have now have achieved their goals. I smiled as I fell asleep while Gaara was hugging me from behind.

And that is it everyone, the last chapter. If you want a sequel, give a big "YEAH" in the comments. I'm now starting to update my Black Butler fan fiction and finish that one as well. See you guys next time ^^ Sky Sage is signing off ^w^

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