Chunin Exams Begin

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Naruto's POV

"Hurry up Kari, you're so slow!" I yelled at my sister trying to get to the exams early. "I'm coming, we're two hours early Naruto, can't we eat" she complained. "Fine, what do you want," I asked already knowing the answer. "How 'bout some ramen I know it's our favorite" "YES," I thought "Sure let's go" motioning for her to follow.

Kari's POV

"Hopefully the ramen here is better than at the fire village" I was thinking about how the cooks were dumb enough to burn the noodles and call it ramen. "Hey, Naruto is the ramen here good?" I asked "Yeah, they best" Naruto answered "Why" "The cooks in the fire village burn everything to a crisp," I said walking past the curtains that said "Ramen shop" "Hey Naruto good to see you, who's the girl?" The man who runs the shop asked. "This is my sister, Kari"" YOU HAVE A SISTER!" The man exclaimed "Hi" I said with a shy wave "Okay then what would you have young lady?" The man asked probably already knowing what Naruto wants "pork miso ramen please" I asked politely. "Just like him" the man muttered and served our food.

Time skip: (they ate 4 bowls each)
Kari's POV

We finally got to the academy and saw that Naruto's team was already there. "You're late," an angry girl with pink hair told Naruto. "Who's the girl," a kind of emo boy with spiked hair asked making everyone look at me. "Well she's my..." I stopped him before he told them we're sibling and whispered in his ear "Let's play a prank on them and pretend we're dating and after a while of that then say we're siblings and laugh at the looks on their faces" "I like how you think you really are my sister"  "She's my girlfriend" Naruto said with a grin. The looks on their faces were priceless (like this :O). "No way who would want to date someone like Naruto?!" the pinkette yelled.

Time skip once more: all they did was ask questions about them dating

"Time for the written exam" the instructor announced after everyone was registered. "A written exam huh," I thought trying to get the feeling of someone watching me. I couldn't stand it anymore zoning out during instructions and looked to my left and saw a redhead staring at me. He had grayish- greenish emotionless eyes and above of one of his eyes, the sign "love" was written there. In my opinion, he was kind of cute. "Why are you staring at me" I whispered to him "Sorry," he said, "Begin!" I heard the instructor say "Guess we started" I thought as I started my test.

Gaara's POV

"She kind of looks like that blonde idiot we ran into," Shukaku said
"Yeah she does" I answered
"You thinks she's pretty don't you?" Shukaku stated
"No I don't so stop and let me finish my test," I said getting angry
"Stop denying it and confess, in my opinion, we should kill her," he said with a snarl
"No!" I shouted at him "We will be killing no-one who doesn't get in our way"
"Fine, but I still think we should kill her.
"Thank you" I finished and put my pencil down. I was so busy debating with shukaku that I answered all of the questions. I looked over at the girl and say she was... sleeping. I had to think of what the word was since I don't feel emotions. Her head lifted up and turned towards me. "Do you like to stare at people?" she asked "Sorry" I said again now understanding embarrassment "It's okay" she said quieter than before. "Is something wrong?" I asked "I don't know" she shrugged.

Kari's POV

"Who is this guy and why does he care if I'm alright?" I thought to myself looking at him again. "I'm fine, just tired," I said laying my head on the table. "Now turn in your test and leave so we can grade them" the instructor yelled. "Rude much," I thought getting up and moving towards Naruto. "So how'd you do Bro," I asked "Not sure, you?" he asked. I just shrugged and walked out the room with him.

Naruto's POV

Kari and I walked home. Everyone was looking at us weird. "Guess Sakura told the entire village we're dating," I told Kari who was noticing too. "Well wait till they found out my last name is Uzumaki too" " Yeah they'll flip out " I laughed "But won't be for a while" "It'll be worth it, just wait" she smiled and hugged me. "Get off!" I joked opening the door to our house.

Time skip: night time
Kari's POV

"Ugh, why can't I sleep," I thought as I tossed for the millionth time. "(Sigh) I'll just go stargazing if I can't go back to sleep" I said to myself getting slightly dressed in a long nightgown and climbed to the roof. I lay there for a while, slowly drifting off. "I think these exams will be fun" was my last thought as I fell asleep.

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