Mysterious Look-Alike

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Kari's POV

"Finally we're here" I thought while groaning as we got there after a two hour trip through nothing but trees. "So Jiraya-sensai, where will we be staying?" a boy from squad ten asked "Yeah where are we staying?" a girl from squad six repeated. "Hold on a minute for right now you kids can go venture the village and meet back here and sundown," Jiraiya said " and Kari we need to go to the Hokage tower to speak with her," he told me. "Alright" I answered. We walked to the tower, once we got there Jiraiya knocked on the door and you could hear a faint come in as he opened it. "So this is her?" a tall woman asked "Yes this is Kari Uzamaki, same age, the same everything to him" Jiraiya answered. "Who is him? "I ask very confused in the situation I'm in. "Well go get him" the woman which I pieced together as Tsunade, the Hokage. "Yes Ma'am" he replied and ran out the door. "Kari, come here" Tsunade ordered, I did what I was told and walked up to the front of her desk. She pulled my hoodie back gently and studied my face, "he wasn't kidding when he said you look like him" she observed "again with him, who the heck is him?" I thought, then gathered the guts to ask "Who's him?" "Your twin brother" she stated like she already knew what I was going to say. "What twin brother? I have no family." I question. "His name is Naruto Uzumaki, he is twelve years old, likes pork miso ramen, and doesn't have many friends." "He sounds exactly like me" I thought when suddenly the door swung open " Why am I here granny?" a very annoyed voice came from behind. I turn and see a boy who looks almost exactly like me, the blonde hair, the blue eyes, the six whiskers on his face, three on each cheek. "What the fuck is happening here" was all that I could think of while staring at him.

Naruto's POV

Jiraiya-sensei took me from class and took me somewhere. "Where are we going Pervy Sage?"" Tsunade needs to talk to you" he replied "About what? I didn't do anything wrong this week." I complained, I hate it when granny Tsunade calls me and not tell me what's it about. "I'm sorry Naruto, can't tell you." he said "You'll have to wait till we get there." "Uuuhg" I groaned as we made our way to the Hokage tower. "What do you want granny" I said I was obviously annoyed, looked up and there was a girl standing there. "Now they're setting me up for dates " I thought and was just about to say something until she turned around. She looked exactly like me, hair, eyes, the whiskers on her face were like mine. "Who is she?" I finally ask breaking the silence. "Naruto this is your twin sister Kari Uzamaki." She just awkwardly waved ay me obviously in the same state of shock that I was. "What sister I don't have any family!" I yelled. "Neither do I but we look alike and apparently do the same exact things" she said. "Really?" I asked "Guess so" she answered, "Okay then favorite food" I questioned seeing if we really were alike. "That's easy pork miso ramen" she answered simply.

Kari's POV

He asked what my favorite food is "pshh... easy " I thought "That's easy pork miso ramen" I replied "Well she got me" "Really you're not going to ask another question Naruto?" "Nope" he answered with a goofy smile like mine when I find something funny. "Well if you two can get along, then you can live together," Tsunade said. "What!?" we both said at the same time "Why?" "Well, you're siblings so why not." We both looked at each other again then we both said "Fine" "Now that that's out of the way, Naruto show your sister to the place where she will stay"All right, come on Kari" "Oh! Coming " I answered following close behind my new brother.

Normal POV

"I wonder what Naruto's house looks like... probably a lot like mine, messy and nothing in place," Kari thought as her newfound brother Naruto led the way to his house. "I hope she won't mind that it's messy, I don't really like to clean," Naruto thought. Everyone saw them walking together side-by-side and that's when they started murmuring to each other. "Naruto, they're talking about us" Kari whispered to him "Don't worry about it" he answered "they only spread rumors because they have nothing better to do" "okay" Kari replied feeling slightly better about their situation.

Naruto's POV

"So here's my place," I said opening the door to reveal my very messy home. "Looks like mine at home" she stated, "Well hope you like it, anyway stay here I got to go train with Kakashi-sensei, see you later," I said running out the door and all I could hear was a small "bye" from her.

Kari's POV

"Since I'm here I should pick up a bit," I told myself and started to clean. "It's going to be a long week," I thought to pick up random stuff and throwing it away.

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