Meeting Kari

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My name is Kari Uzamiaki. I am 12 years old and have been trained at the academy for about 5 or 6 years. I'm quiet most of the time and like to be by myself. I don't have many friends because everyone says there's something wrong with me, but I don't let them get under my skin. I know who I am. Anyways, my absolute, favorite meal of all time is ramen, I can never get enough.

Kari's Pov

Woke up late ... again."Dang it!"I thought as I dashed my way to the school trying to at least make it there before the teacher. Once I got to the classroom I looked through the dusty window and saw the teacher wasn't there yet " whew she's not here yet.Mrs.Kamiama would have my head if she found out I was late again." Just the thought of her made me nervous. I slowly opened the door and awkwardly made my way to my seat. Not even 2 seconds later the teacher walked in. "Thank you God" I thought as she made her way to her desk. The teachers here are especially strict about attendance and weekend training. "Alright quiet down class has started" Mrs.Kamiama said as she set a large book on her desk with a thump. "As you all know the chunin exams are next week" she stated " Only the squads that the sensei seems that you are ready shall go.Here is the list.""Finally, i thought this will never come." I thought as I straighten up and listen for my squad (squad seven) to be called. "Squad six, squad ten, and ""come on squad seven" I thought crossing my fingers underneath my desk "and squad seven shall moving onto the chunin exams""YES!we...I mean I made it to the chunin exams" I inwardly celebrated as class was dismissed. "So we made it to the exams I thought for sure that you would hold us back Kari" said Jay the most sarcastic guy in school but every girl seemed to like him. "Haha" I fake laughed "that was so funny I forgot to laugh" I said sarcastically. "So Jay" Marie came in( she's the most chipper and annoyingly happy girl in school.)"I'm glad we got into the chunin exams, how 'bout we go out for lunch to celebrate," she said grabbing his arm and making puppy dog eyes. "Gag get a room" I joked walking past them and down the stairs. "Man I'm hungry" I groaned "Too bad this town has ramen that tastes like crap" I whispered because I was passing the only ramen shop in town. I finally made it to my apartment,unlocked the door, and trudged my way to my room. "I can't wait for tomorrow" I thought as I fell asleep.

Time skip: next week

"Today's the day," I thought as I got dressed. I had my normal orange and black zip-up sweater, which I only zip it up a little. I also had on my orange and black miniskirt. When I finally got there Jay, Maria, squad six, and squad ten were there with a man that had really long white hair. "Aren't you going in?" Mrs. Kamiama asked when she walked up. "Oh...uh yeah just asking who's that guy there?" "Well if you walk in you'll find out," she told me bluntly. We walked in together and I went towards Jay and Maria.

Normal pov

"Alright let me start by saying my name," the man said all three squads were curious who this man was. "My name is Jiraiya, I shall be your guide to the leaf for the chunin exams, we leave soon so get ready we meet at the gate in an hour." " I guess I'll go get ready!" Kari thought as she got up along with the other squads and left. All Kari needed being her weapons pack and extra clothes, as she was packing there was a knock. "Who could that be?" Kari questioned as she answered it. "Hey Jiraya-sempai what do you need?"" Actually, my Hokage said she wanted you to wear this when you enter the village" he answered giving her a black hoodie." Why would she do that?" she asked "I'm not allowed to tell, but she did say that she'll tell you why before the exams" "okay" Kari said awkwardly as she put the sweater on. You couldn't see anything she was wearing except her black flats. "Well see you at the gates" Jiraya finished and left. "Oh well guess I have to wear if the Hokage said to, even though I don't want to." Kari thought as she left with what little she carried "time for the exams."

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