Boy meets girl, again

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Two boys walked in casually as though they hadn't just barged into the class. Amu was only recovering from her surprise when she glared up at the intruders.

"What do we have here? So it is just you who everyone was so excitedly talking about," one of the two boys voiced. He had fawn worthy hair, drowned in a lovely shade of amethyst. His amber eyes implored on her figure boldly. A smirk tugged at his lips when he basically eye-raped her. "You're not bad, I'd give you only that."

While his comment had the ability to keep her flustered for days, her attention was fixed elsewhere to even care. Her shock at the discovery that 'Seiyo Academy' was male-dominated area was long forgotten and thrown at the back of her mind when her own honeyed eyes met surprised looking jade eyes. Her memories resurfaced, hitting her like tons of iron on the head.

"You... It is you," he breathed out as if in a daze.

"Y-You!" Amu pointed her finger at the brunette. Her gold eyes, wide in recognition and surprise, mirrored his own.

The events of that fated night played over and over inside her head, especially the climax part. A flush appeared on her cheeks, deepening when cinnamon haired boy caught the sight of her blush. Without meaning to, the boy found himself smiling evasively at the older women.

"You know each other?" The long-haired male cocked a brow in mild surprise, but otherwise, he was leering at the duo. Brunette only spared him a glance, before retiring his gaze fixedly at the red-faced rosette.

"N-No, we don't. I have just met him somewhere, only once." Amu reasoned, her hard-as-nails eyes zeroed on the smirking boy. It didn't affect him in the least if anything, his amber eyes laughed at her. How irritating.

"Is that so?" His voice teased her.

"That is so." Amu gritted her teeth as she answered him. He's being difficult.

"'re the new chemistry teacher?" The brunette arched a brow in question. His jade eyes boring into hers, gleaming in curiosity. He will not admit but he was thrilled. He never thought he'll be meeting the women he interacted with at the bar, again, and definitely not appear before him, claiming she will be teaching him from then onwards.

"Yes, why? Do you have any problem?" Amu shot back coldly. The brunette flinched back, slightly, in surprise. He didn't expect her to react harshly. Out of the corner of her eye, Amu noticed the lavender-haired boy giving her a look of offense.

Amu bit back a sigh. She needed to keep her emotion in check. Everyone often tells her that she was very moody. Only her husband, love of her life, Ikuto, handles her awful mood swings well. She gets easily affected by everything.

"I...I mean yes...I am." Amu sounded really sorry which both the boys noticed. Their eyes didn't soften though. The Rosette didn't expect them to. She shouldn't have done that, she sounded very hurtful even to her owns. She knew everything yet she lost her grip.

"I'm your chemistry teacher, for two months at most. My name is Amu. Amu Tsukiyomi." Amu nodded at them. Their history aside (there wasn't much anyway), the brunette was now her student. The least she could do is introduce herself properly. Golden eyes watched them expectantly.

They nodded back, one more hesitant than another.

"...Nagihiko Fujisaki." The amber eyed boy hesitated, his gaze softening ever so slightly. Amu was glad that he didn't look hostile towards her anymore.

"I'm Kukai Souma. Do you mind if I call you just Amu? I'm not good with surnames." The brunette began, his tone laced with nonchalance. Amu eyed him suspiciously. Is that the only reason? She needed to be sure. His emerald eyes seemed to gleam with interest when Amu nodded, albeit hesitantly.

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