Goodbye with a new start?

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A bar. She was again in a bar, a familiar looking one. The same old neon lighted signals that she has seen so many times decorating insides of her favorite place of all, the 'Black Diamond' pub.

'What am I doing here?' She
inspected her surroundings. A boy. She was sitting beside a boy who was looking directly at her. 'What did he want?' His eyes never left the sight of her, she was beginning to feel weird under his intense gaze.

The loud blaring noise was filling the silence between them. She peeked up at the boy before her. His eyes were shadowed by his dark bangs.

"D-Do you need anything from me, Mister?" She tried. He shifted, and for the first time looked up from under his bangs.

"Jewels..." She seemed to murmur in daze.

Whatever that happened next was hazy in her mind but the last thing that she remembered was the feel of his lips on hers. The world melted away...leaving her with the man from her dream.

He kissed her...and she was sure that she kissed him back, leaving both of them breathless.

Not long after, he was gone...just like in a certain night. 'Why was he so mysterious?' He tasted forbidden to her but that only excited her more than it should have.

Then the world scattered around her, like a glass that breaks into million, tiny pieces. She was pushed down into the depths of the abyss, and he was the disaster, what else can ruin her in less than a minute?

Everything blackened thereafter.


With a loud, deafening thud Amu landed facedown on the floor. Her sides twitched soundly when she picked her bare body up from the cold floor. She held her head in her hands, slammed her eyes shut and hummed the pain.

"Just a dream...nothing to worry about," Amu nodded to herself, gently getting up on her feet. Her unrobed figure was loosely concealed from view by the ivory cover. Her core throbbed painfully but she had no time to rest. "What an unusual dream..."

Her legs pressed together when she sat down on the side of her queen sized bed; she was fingering her phone. Her eyes flickered to the other side of the bed, and she turned grim.

'So he was really here...when was the last time he spend a night here?' Ikuto was hardly ever at home, for months he was away from her, and his career as a musician didn't help her either. Regardless to say, their love life was growing worse at the rate they were moving. But that doesn't mean she didn't love him, she chose him– her first love – as her life partner obviously for a reason. And that reason wasn't money or his looks.

'I wonder how long would he be here...' She wouldn't want him to leave her again. 'A week for most I suppose...'

Anchoring her attention to her phone, she signed. The clock read: 7:36am.

"What a morning person..." Her eyes crossed in exasperation when she leaned over and felt the other side of the bed cold. He stays a night only for some time and he wouldn't even leave her a chance to ogle his sleepy face. He looks really cute when he's sleeping, quite honestly. As dreamlike as it sounds, she wanted him to remain by her side till she wakes up, as they used to be in their early days.

"Oh well..." Amu looked down, her bright colored hair clouding a sweet, gentle smile. "At least he is here"

Nevertheless she was very happy that he was back.

•  •  •

The sweet smell instantly hit her nostrils the moment she left her room, dressed up in casual black slacks and a blue blouse. She didn't need to know what was being prepared for her downstairs. She sniffed the air with a impressed smile tugged on her lips.

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