Chapter 11: Doing Just Fine

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Zelda's P.O.V

The cage I was trapped in hung from the trees. Every time the wind swayed my stomach dropped.  I dangled from at least a hundred feet it seemed. High above in the tree line hung wind chimes, bones, and feathers. An alarm system was set in place if I had managed to escape. The question is who were they trying to alert? Down below on the ground the fog was at its thickest. It was clear that the cause of this poisonous fog was close by.  

"How could the fog have such extreme potency here in the woods?" I thought to myself. 

"Perhaps its through exposure over time?" I thought. 

"Had I been in here that long?" I asked myself.

The moment I entered the forest, time felt surreal. I did not feel as if I had been in here so long, but perhaps I was?

As I swayed high above I couldn't help but think of Link, and how worried he must be at this point. In truth  I felt guilty for leaving him behind. 

"Perhaps I wouldn't be in this situation now if he had come along?" I inquired. 

I shook my head at the thought. 

"No! He is safer in Ordon." I answered for myself. 


Link's P.O.V

I left Sheik to run over to Rusl's house. He was one of the only people in this village that had a weapon.  Even though there are so little threats here in Ordon it was always best to have a way to protect yourself in case something did happen. 

"Rusl! Are you home?" I asked as I knocked on his door. 

The door opened to reveal Colin.

"Link!" Colin exclaimed in surprise.

I smiled at him before stepping inside his home.

"Seen your dad anywhere?" I asked. 

"No I think he is out in the fields, with Mayor Bo." Colin answered.

"He must be helping with the dead crop." I thought to myself. 

"Where's your mother?' I asked. 

"She is asleep upstairs." He answered.

I glanced upwards towards the second level of the house. 

"I don't wish to wake your mother, so can you do me a favor?" I asked the boy. 

Colin nodded his head yes vigorously.

"I am borrowing your Father's sword, can you let him know that I have it in my posession?" I inquired. 

"Of course Link. I'll go tell him now!" Colin exclaimed as he ran out the front door. 

Once he had left I searched for Rusl's sword. I eventually found it leaning against the wall in the living room just beside the fire place. I then scooped it up and adjusted the scabbard so it hung at the side of  my hip. 

After I had retrieved the sword I began to make my way back to my hut to rendezvous with Sheik. The sun was setting and I couldn't help but feel an uneasiness in my stomach as the darkness began to settle in. I quickened my pace as the sun dipped beneath the hills. I made it back to my hut just as the sun had completely set. It was dark, too dark to walk in the woods without a lantern. I entered my hut to find it empty. Sheik was no where in sight.

"Sheik?" I called out. 

"Hello?" I asked.

There was no answer.

I sighed in disappointment. Sheik lied to me. 

"She must have gone into the woods.....Alone." I told myself. 

I suddenly became afraid for her. The woods were not a safe place to be especially at night. I quickly snatched my lantern and filled it with oil before I lit it with a match. I then exited my hut and pursued Sheik into the woods. 

It was difficult to see thanks to the fog. Even so, it was not thick enough to hid Sheik's tracks to me. I followed her foot prints deep into the woods off of the beaten path and into what was deemed the Lost Woods. Time did not exist here. Some said the forest here was magical.  Many of those in Ordon were afraid of this place but I had always felt some sort of connection with it since I was a child. I have vague memories of the Lost Woods. I could recall playing with the Fairies and a large tree with a thick trunk and long limbs. Other than that I remembered nothing of my childhood. 

Suddenly the footprints I was following ended.

"What?" I huffed in frustration.

I looked closer to the ground to find that there was a set of other footprints that did not match Sheik's. They were larger and there was more than one of them. I looked around to see if there was anyone around but I saw no one. I then looked up to see a cage dangling high up in the trees.

"Sheik!" I called. 

Whoever was in the cage shifted causing the contraption to sway.

"Link!" A voice called from high up. 

I saw Sheik poke her arm between the bars and wave at me. 

"Are you alright?" I asked. 

"I am fine!" She shouted.

"You don't seem fine." I laughed.

I could hear her scoff from up above. 

"Why didn't you wait for me like we agreed?" I questioned. 

Sheik was silent for a moment before answering me. 

"I thought I could do this on my own, I didn't want anyone to get hurt."  She answered.

I shook my head and chuckled. 

"Well you obviously didn't get very far on your own." I laughed. 

"I'll have you know I was doing just fine!" She shouted. 

"If "doing just fine" means getting captured then sure you're doing just fine!" I laughed. 

Sheik groaned in annoyance. 

"Just help me get down from here please! You can gloat later!" Sheik snapped. 

"Alright. I'll be up there in a moment. " I sighed.

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