Chapter 19: Farore's Blessing

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Zelda's P.O.V

 The night I created the seal to protect Ordon sleep evaded me. I lied in bed tossing and turning. Something was not right. I could sense a certain shift in the world. 

"I need some air." I thought to myself. 

I sat at the edge of the bed and slipped on a pair of shoes. I then stood up and draped a wool shawl over my shoulders.  Uli had made the garment for me. It was such a kind gesture. 

I then proceeded to sneak out the front door of the house. 

The cool night air was refreshing. The sky was clear and the stars were ever present.  The village was quiet for everyone was most likely asleep. I wandered about and let the silence of the night clear my head. I walked all the way to the front gates of the Lost Woods. The trees swayed in the wind. 

"Zelda...." A voice called.

The voice was calm and gentle. 

"Hello?" I called out as I looked around. 

There was no one there. 

"Go to the spring...."The voice instructed. 

"What spring?" I questioned. 

Suddenly the soft breeze stopped and the trees were silent. In the distance I could here the sound of running water. 

I followed the sound until I reached an opening. The spring was small but beautiful. The moonlight made the clear water glow with a certain ambience. Greenery and water lilies floated on the water's surface. In the center of the spring stood a statue of woman on a pedestal. In her arms she held a singular triangle piece. 

"The Triforce." I whispered. 

"Step forward my child...." The voice stated. 

I slid my shawl off of my shoulders so that it fell onto a pile on the ground, and then kicked off my shoes so that I may wade in the water.

I felt the cool water lap against my feet as I stood on the shore.

"Come into my healing waters...." The voice offered. 

I traded further into the water until I was in waist deep.

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"My name is Farore." The voice answered. 

Suddenly a form appeared before me. It was a woman basked in golden light. She looked identical to the statue within the spring. 

"Farore? As in the Goddess?" I asked. 

She nodded her head yes with a soft smile. 

I bowed slightly once I realized who she was. 

"Please Zelda there is no need. We have much to discuss." Farore stated. 

I nodded my head in acknowledgement before stepping closer. 

"There is a great evil coming. " She stated. 

I couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Do not fret my child. You must have courage! For the path you must take ahead will be treacherous. There is much you must do if you are to prevent the fall of Hyrule." She explained. 

"What is it I must do?" I asked. 

"You will require all of the blessings of the Goddesses. Each blessing will help you unlock the true power within you. The power which will help you destroy the oncoming darkness."Farore explained. 

"How will I know how to find the other Goddesses?" I asked. 

"We haven't much time! I must give you your first blessing!" She exclaimed. 

"The chosen hero will help you with your quest. Keep him close at hand for together you will be the very key to destroy the darkness that is to come." She added. 

"I give you the blessing of courage! You must unlock your inner spirit to use its true strength." Farore explained.

She then gently placed her hands on my shoulders before reciting a prayer in ancient Hylian. I could feel a warm golden light envelop me. 

"Use this blessing wisely it will help guide you to the others. Good luck Zelda." Farore instructed. 

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