Chapter 28: I Don't Need A Farm Boy

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Zelda's P.O.V

After the discovery that I was the reincarnation of the Goddess Hylia I began to ask more questions. 

Lady Impa had taken me away from the graveyard to talk more in depth. We sat on the mountain side just outside of the village. From there we could see all of Hyrule. 

"So this power that I have? Is it hers?" I asked. 

"It is as much as it is hers as it is yours." Lady Impa corrected. 

"But how? I don't know how to harness it, well not to the extent of sealing away the darkness!" I cried. 

"Shh! Zelda dont stress yourself out into a tizzy." Impa laughed. 

"The Goddesses came to you for a reason. They want to help you unlock the power inside you. You must finish your quest and visit all three of the springs. Each of the Goddesses have something to teach you. You must listen to their guidance, their words will help  you when the time comes. " She explained. 

"But I don't even know where the other two springs are!" I exclaimed. 

"The ancient springs will be difficult to find. Their locations have been hidden for some time." She stated. 

"The one in Ordon was used for a place of worship." I stated. 

"Yes many of those who pray visit the springs in hopes to speak to the Goddesses. But there are many Fairy Fountains also it will be difficult to distinguish between the two." She explained. 

"Fairy Fountains?" I asked. 

"Springs but they are know for their healing waters due to the Fairies that live there. " She explained. 

"I thought the Fairies were long gone." I added. 

"Some say they can be found in the springs or in the woods." Impa stated. 

"Link was found as a young child at the edge of the Lost Woods playing with fairies." I told Impa. 

"Ah yes I am aware of the story of Link. Rusl wrote to me when he discovered him. He was but just a child when he was found. The fairies followed him until he reached Ordon and was taken in, it was almost as if they cared for him." Impa explained. 

"Cared for him?" I inquired.

"Legend says that deep with in the Lost Woods there was once a people known as the Kokiri. They were the size of children and had fairies as companions." Impa explained. 

"Do you think Link was taken in by them?" I asked. 

"Perhaps."Lady Impa stated. 

We remained quiet for a few moments as we looked at the sun setting before us. 

"My father is he here?" I asked. 

"Yes. But I think it is for the best that he does not see you now. He will be very upset to know that you are not in Ordon." Impa explained. 

I nodded my head in acknowledgment. 

"I am just glad he is safe. " I sighed. 

In the distance you could see Castle Town. Pyres burned in the distances to signal the take over. 

"What is it the Yiga Clan wants?" I asked. 

"We thought it was to be represented equal like all of the other races. But their true intentions have yet to come to light. "Impa sighed. 

"What of my people, Impa. They won't be safe here forever the Yiga Clan will come here, and worse the darkness is nearing I can feel it." I explained. 

"You must focus on unlocking your inner power Zelda. Your Father and I will focus our energy and time keeping Hyrule safe. For when the time does come you must be ready." Lady Impa explained. 

"Perhaps you're right." I sighed. 

"I am always right." Impa chuckled. 

I laughed with her as I looked down the mountain side. 

In the distance I could see Link. 

"What on earth is he doing?" I asked as I pointed

Impa turned to look in the distance where I pointed. 

"Is he herding chickens?" Impa asked. 

"Perhaps it is time that you two were reunited." She added as she stood up. 

Impa offered her hand as she stood. I grabbed it and pulled myself up. 

"Impa can I ask you a question?" I inquired.

"Of course my child." She stated as we began to walk. 

"Even if I were able to unlock Hylia's power within me I would still require the Master Sword....and the Chosen Hero to wield it." I explained. 

"Destiny has a funny way of putting people in our lives." She stated as she gestured towards Link in the distance.

"Do you really think he could be the Chosen Hero?" I asked. 

"Well he does have the same name as Hylia's Chosen Hero."Impa laughed. 

"But that could just be a coincidence!" I argued.

"Zelda, you and Link are going to cross paths eventually your relationship transcends time. You might as well as get used to each other. You will need him when the time comes, you can not do this on your own. The sooner you realize this the better. You must focus on unlocking Hylia's power while Link must focus on finding the Master Sword. Only together will you be able to defeat the darkness." Impa explained. 

"He still doesn't know who I am." I sighed in frustration. 

"Zelda don't be childish tell him the truth! You and Link must focus on the mission! Otherwise the darkness will come and consume everything and all will be lost." Impa stated firmly.

"I am afraid that if I tell him who I am he will be even more at risk. The Yiga Clan is searching far and wide for Father and I to end the Royal Family. Its better if he doesn't know." I explained. 

"I disagree with you Zelda but the choice is yours." Impa sighed.

I stopped for a moment to look at Link. He had two chickens under each of his arms. He was picking them up and moving them to a pen. In other words he was a farm boy, I didn't see a warrior in front of me. I needed the Chosen Hero to help me stop the darkness not a farm boy. 

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