Sky shook her head. "I think you're overthinking it and nothing about you screwed up. You're still a bomb ass 28 year old with an amazing job and a even better personality."

"I jus--"

Just as I was about to finish my statement, Bam's name came up on my phone. My mixed emotions about how he was acting lately were getting the best of me.

"Girl, if you don't pick up the damn phone," Sky scolded me. I accepted his call and waited to hear his baritone voice over the phone.

"Hey...I'm not sure if you already know anything or not, but Nas called me a few minutes ago in a panic. He says he's at the hospital and I ain't know if you were at work, so I'm on my way--"

"What! Is he okay? What else did he say?" I stood up from the floor and went to find my nearest pair of shoes. I noticed that Skylar was right behind me.

"Woah, woah...just take a deep breath. If he called me then he gotta be good. I'm sure of it."

I sighed deeply and grabbed my car keys from the counter. Negative thoughts were running rampant through my head. "Brandon, I swear on everything if he even laid a finger on my child I'm fucking his life up."

I meant what I said this time. No more trying to keep Christian's crazy in a good light because he had already crossed every line twice over.

"Chill, you not getting your hands dirty. God forbid something is wrong and I'll handle him...I promise you that."

Before I could reply, he spoke once more. "Have Sky drive you there. I need you in one piece becau--" He stopped himself in the middle of his statement. "Just have her drive you."

I tossed my keys to Skylar. "You driving."

"You worrying me, Laurie. Where are we going?" Sky questioned as she grabbed her purse from the couch.

"My let's go," I said.

I took a deep breath before running inside the emergency room to see about my son. I was hoping that Glo would be here so that she could let me what was going on, but she's on vacation too.

Looking around, I saw Nas and Bam in the corner of the ER having a intense conversation. Bam's said everything, he was pissed off. Once I saw his fats lock up I know that he was bound to explode.

"What's going on? You okay baby boy?" I kneeled down in front of Nas and examined him from head to toe. He didn't have a scratch on him.

"I'm fine mama."

"Thank God..." Skylar said in relief as she sat across from the two.

"What's going on then?"

Nas looked nervous like he wasn't supposed to talk about it. He played with his braid and looked at Bam, who was still trying to control his anger.

"Tell her, Nas."

"Grandma got hurt because of me. I didn't mean to get her in trouble though. I asked Dad if I could go to my friend's house the weekend and he said no. Grandma said that she would take me then and that made him mad. He said there will be nobody disrespecting him in his house."


I already knew where this story was going because it was all too familiar to me. The only difference is that I made sure that Nasir never saw that side of his father, ever.

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