26. Unsteady Souls

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"You have to remember to be human."

"Dad, I'm alone. Because this house don't feel like home...

Dad I know you're trying to fight when you feel like flying. "


                   -Unsteady, X Ambassadors

I hear the door slamming, causing me to accidentally flick my pen and it flew across the room.

The hell...?

I get up from my desk, and walk hurriedly out to the hallway and look over the staircase. I find Edward stomping on the steps with his head hung low and practically feel his anger from here. I stand on the top step with my arms crossed, frowning as I stope him.

"What happened?" I ask unnecessarily aggressively.

"Nothing." He replies quietly in an off tone.

"Ed, look at me."

He doesn't, his shoulders slouching from their tense posture.

"Edward." I sternly say.

He growls under his breath and looks up at me, but his gaze not meeting mine. They stare hard at my chest, I almost get chills from the icy color of his eyes as a rush of deja vu washes down my spine.

Instead, I notice the bruise covering his left eye and his bleeding lip. "Shit, who did you get into a fight with?" I grab his chin and check each side of his face.

"Not right now dad. I just want to go to my room right now." He says while pushing my hand away and sliding past me to the hallway.

"Hey, don't walk away from me!"

I barely even stepped foot after him when he shut the door of his room and I heard the lock. Great, now how do I deal with this?

I knock firmly at his door, I'm not just going to leave him pissed off and have thoughts he might act on then regret it. I'm one to know how that turns out.

"Ed, talk to me come on." I yell over the music he's blasting now.

"I said not now Dad!"

I breathe out calmly and stare at the door. What do I do with this boy?

E   D   W    A    R    D

I change my shirt to another one with long sleeves and grab a hoodie, shoving my hands into it fast then go to the window pane and open it. I pull on my hoodie and step on the ledge, making sure to grab onto the sides firmly before I scooted to the side and  took a deep breath before doing the quick mental estimation and jumped to the ladder. I hold my breath when I feel it leaning to the side for a second before it goes back into place.

I bite my lip and go down fast until I reached the last few steps and jumped. The security system starts at about thirty minutes from now, I better hurry before I get caught.

I manage to sneak out before being spotted, my mind begrudgingly focuses back into what happened today and I grunt as I zip up the hoodie and walk to the nearest convenience store. It's on the other part of the area.

I run, knowing I can't be knocking on people's windows at night looking for shelter.

I can't fucking believe they just think they can push around anyone who isn't as "cool" as them. God, those fucking douchebags will get it soon.

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