9. A Heart & A Soul

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"There's nothing worse than seeing someone who deserves the world and the best it offers being treated unfairly and you can see them slowly being broken."

But she was already broken when he found her; is she only breaking more?

"Right. Close. You're just a little bit closer now. "

I swallow. To be frank, I hate meeting up with this angel. He's rude, for one, and I don't like anything he says to me. It's all too confusing and frustrating and I don't need that at the moment.


I turn around, stopping my feet on the ground. "Yes?"

"Try not getting too distracted, eh? You're not stuck here to pick up pretty girls."

He then disappears after I blinked.

Oh shit.

Lucas Williams. He became the COO of Lush, and Daren told me all about that mother fucking asshole. His girlfriend left him, apparently it was a private relationship and no one knew who she was, but it ended earlier this year on February.

Not that he was oh so heartbroken.

Lucas' reputation of sleeping around resumed, and I found out he had a lot of interesting connections- which connects to the planning of my death. He accordingly goes to the bar I was in on my last night regularly, and he was there that night. He was present when I was shot, right at the bar, flirting with God knows who apparently.

I need to find a way to question him somehow, my invisible abilities have been sketchy and rocky lately. I don't know why. People would stare my way, or bump into me. Some would eye me suspiciously as if they recognise me. Some even spoke a word or two to me. But that all happened within the last two months, that's the last time I saw Taylor.

I had left her apartment that night after she dozed off on the couch. I had placed the comforter that was folded there on her and took off, not wanting to take advantage of her unconscious state. I decided I wouldn't stalk her, nor look through her stuff; that wouldn't be fair as she probably wasn't, and I almost feel certain that she isn't, involved in the circle that plotted my death. She's too innocent, too caught up in her world and its mess.

"How come you seem to know so much? You can't be that old, I mean, you don't look like it."

I smile half heartedly at that. "You learn so much, Ms Swift, from just observing and experiencing. You realise the world is such a shitty place once you get over the revelation that the monster under your bed is none existent. You accept everything, this is your life, this is how it's going to be. Major problems don't even affect you anymore as you lost the will to invest in such a world. I don't know, I just can't really feel anything anymore, it's just like "oh great, another problem. Let me look for a flying fuck to give" or something like that. And as much as my faith disappeared in human beings, I don't want to die. I'm just not alive anymore, but I also don't want to die. I don't know why." I shrug. "I can't find a better answer, I can only give you this."

"This makes so much sense." She whispered to herself as she stared at her fingers holding the cup.

Talking with her made me realise a lot of things. She asked so many things, like I was there to give her every answer she needed. Maybe because I offered from the start? Or maybe because I wasn't there to get in her pants? Or maybe she just needs someone who listens? Whatever it is, oddly enough I was okay with sitting there and offering her my thoughts. It's something I've never done before, and it was somehow...satisfying to say the least. She listened and spoke just as much as I did.

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