6. Never Enough

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Stupid dog shit.

I try forgetting the scene as I head over to a school, seeing it's a bit early in the day and I got nothing for now. People are busy with their lives, while some are begging on the streets. Passersby go by them, ignoring them, as they hurry to their destinations. It's ridiculous how they don't even have a second to give them whatever they can at that moment.

I enter a class of a bunch of teenagers, seeing half of them perched on their chairs sleepily, the ones at the front focusing on whatever the brunet is teaching and the at the back are messing around with papers, throwing them at others. I shake my head at the sight, feeling disappointment at the fact this is what the educational system ha lead to.

"Did someone fart?" One speaks up.

I roll my eyes, as some are more alert now. I walk out to the hallway, and the bell rings. They all storm out of their classes, as if already waiting by the doors. I stop by the wall, and spot the fire alarm.

Wouldn't it be funny if I just accidentally...


I smirk as most of them start screaming and push their way to the exit. No order, no manners, nothing. Teachers start shouting at everyone to remain calm and keep the order.

I skip past most of them, but none seem to notice the odd feeling while I just walk as if no one is in front of me. I spot some students pushing their peers, some knocking a couple of people's stuff to the floor.

Fucking rude.

I go to that group of snobs, grabbing their seemingly leader's underwear from the back and snatch it upward to his head and put it there. Everyone starts laughing while his friends freak out as no one can see me. I take the bitch beside him by her bag and throw all its contents on the floor.

How does that feel now, suckers?

I walk around the now abandoned-looking place, papers scattered all around and even messier than the last time I was here. The building even had a police tape around it. Darren's been arrested, for what?

I don't know.

I'm not his BFF, nor stalker.

I look at that same board, the board of shame. Funny. It's only had more articles pinned on it over time.

Ah fucker is gone when I actually need him.

I close my eyes, feeling a rush of cold air in my lungs, my hand fisting a crumbled piece of paper that holds the name of the anonymous man, Charlie Hudson.

I snap my fingers together.

I open my eyes, the pitch black darkness of the cell surrounding me for a moment in a daze, before I adjusted in the proper place and the lights are illuminating into the room. I see the man of the hour, sitting with a book on his lap, reading the night away. His crooked nose holds a pair of thick spectacles, his olive skin shining with small streaks of light hitting it, his bald head reflecting the light above. He seems at peace, which actually makes me wonder. How? How in a place like this?

I nearly speak up, but he does first.

"I've been waiting for you."


"Come sit, we have a lot to talk about, Mr Styles."

What the fuck?

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