17-Somebody Must've Broken A Mirror, With The Luck We're Having

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I blink my eyes open slowly. My ears are ringing, my body aches, and everyone is shouting. I can't really move my body, but I know that I'm lying on pavement.

I look around. My legs are still strapped in, but my upper half is lying on the pavement, with the passenger door open.

The car's empty other than my legs, and the car behind me is fine, which means the people in it are fine.

I try to push myself up with my hands, but I quickly collapse back down.

I see someone run over to me, and I make out that it's KC.

She reaches in through the window and untangles the seatbelt from around my legs, so I can move them.

Gently, she pulls me out of the car.

"Autumn? What on you hurts?" She asks me, looking into my eyes.

"Do you feel like you want to throw up?" She asks.

I shake my head no. My ears stop ringing, and I can answer.

"My hands really hurt, and so do my legs. And I guess my face is stinging a little too," I mumble, trying to make my eyes focus.

She nods, and quickly runs to the other car.

I look over to see if everyone is over there, but all I see is Leila trying to calm down a frantic Nora.

Neither seem hurt. That's good.

My head rolls back forward again, and I look at the pavement.

I blink several times, and finally my eyes start to focus. KC comes back holding a little white container with a Red Cross on it.

She opens it up and quickly gets to work.

"Now, there isn't really anything I can do for your legs, they're going to be badly bruised, but as long as they're not broken or anything, we should be okay," She explains, dabbing a cotton ball on my cheek.

"Ow!" I cry, yanking my head back.

"I'm sorry, I know it stings. But would you rather it get infected?" She says, continuing.

I wince, and she finally pulls the cotton ball away. She puts two little strips of adhesive medical tape on my cheek.

She pulls the cotton ball back out, looking at my hands. She grimaces, and I look down at my palms.

Oh. Ouch. They're pretty nasty looking. The whole palm is red and rashy, with skin peeling off all over it, along with various small and large cuts.

"They must have gone through the window, and then scraped the pavement pretty hard," She comments, wiping the dirt off of them. She cleans them with the cotton ball (ow), then she wraps them with gauze.

"You can still use them, obviously, but just be careful," She says, slipping a clip into the gauze wrapping.

"Can you stand up?" She asks.

I take her arm and shakily stand up, but immediately fall back down.

"Is it your legs?" She asks.

"No, my head," I mumble. As soon as I stood up, my vision started to blur, and with black spots appearing and getting extremely dizzy.

"Okay, let's try again slowly," She says, and I take her arm again.

I get up slower. My head still hurts, but less then before.

I take a couple steps. My legs ache, but I can move them.

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