Chapter 9 ~ You & I

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~Harry's POV~

It's been 3 months since Ella and I had gone to see our family. Gemma calls whenever she can asking to speak to Ella, they have become very close.

I've been spending every waking moment with Ella and sometimes even in my dreams, giving Ella can control them, she has been sticking to me like glue, wherever I go, she follows, not that I'm complaining or anything, I love having my little sister around.

The boys have become closer to her as well, whenever she's around they can't help but smile, I think Ella just brings out the happiness in everyone when she's around.

~Ella's POV~

There's a big difference. I can tell. I can feel it. Something is defiantly wrong. I can feel myself slowly slipping away. I know the time is near. Time for me to move on. To be with my parents. But the one thing I've always wanted is now the one thing I dread. I don't want to leave. I have my brother here, my sister and my four new best friends. I'm not ready to leave. I don't think I ever will be. The worst part of all this is knowing there is nothing I can do to stop it from happening.

I was sat on the roof thinking until Louis's screaming voice brought me back to reality, I stood up and saw Louis chasing Niall around the garden dripping wet from head to toe.


Niall just laughed loudly and glanced up at me as he was running, he suddenly stopped as a wide smile formed on his lips, "ELLA! 'ELLO LOVE!".

Seconds later Louis jumped on him and tackled him to the floor, "HA! GOT YA NOW MATE!".

Niall groaned in pain as he pushed Louis off him, "Shit Lou! I think you've broke my back!".

Louis chuckled slightly, "Well that's what you get for dumping a bucket of freezing cold water on me!".

Niall stood up dusting his clothes off as he turned to Louis, "You wouldn't wake up any other way!".

I appeared next to Louis smiling brightly, "Morning boys!".

Louis jumped about 2 feet in the air as he let out a high pitch scream making Niall bust out laughing once again.

He placed his hand on his heart as he playfully glared at me, "Jesus! What is it?! Pick on Louis day?!".

I slung my arm around Niall's waist as I hugged him, "Well you broke my Nialler's back!".

Niall stuck his toung out at Louis as he hugged be back, "She loves me more mate!".

Louis pouted as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I giggled and tried to get out of Niall's grip but he just tightened the hug even more, "Niall let me go!".

He shook his head, "No! I don't want to love!".

I groaned and disappeared then re-appeared next to Louis, no more than a second later Louis had pulled me into a tight hug, "YAY! She's mine now Horan!".

Louis picked me up bridal style and ran towards the house with Niall close behind shouting, "NO ELLA! Don't leave me!".

Louis and I laughed as Louis ran into the living room where Harry and Zayn were watching TV, once they heard us laughing they turned around smiling big, both boys jumped up and ran over to Louis and I, "ELLA!".

They both tried to pull me away from Louis but he just tightened his grip on me and ran towards the stairs, nearly running into Liam.

"Whoa....ELLA!". Liam shouted as he went to take me off Louis but Louis leaned forward trying to bite Liam's hand.

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