37) Beautiful thing

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(Age 19.)

I lay wide awake listening to the sounds the Moon Goddess has to offer me. Creaking and chirping of the crickets nuzzled into the sod. Breeze swirling round the trees in a game of tag that came with the crunching of old leaves tumbling on the hard earth. Nothing extravagant but worth listening to. Sometimes we forget to stop and breathe that we miss the little things the world has to offer.

"Fresh air does no harm. You sound try it sometime, you know, when you're not having your nose in someone's ass."

A small audience rewarded me with laughter as I joked with Timur.

"I'll kick your ass if you don't get inside."

He said as I followed my friend inside.

It's been a slow couple of weeks and nights that I've sat in my room and listened to the sound of two heart beats, as they sink into one and back to two. It's a beautiful thing to hear, Yakov thinks so too. He smiles as we lay tangled together and listen to the soft music playing.


He hums snatching me up and onto his lap as we sit up.

"You smell so good... I could just eat you up."

A wicked grin and a kiss to relax was exchanged to sooth the Beast to my Bell.

"Timur will walk in any minute, It's dinner time."

He nuzzled his nose into my neck, tickling it with his growing beard. I love playing with his facial hair. I myself shave so it's nice to feel Yakov's and he loves it. Especially if I play with his hair like run my fingers through it.

I hummed as he held me tight and I him, I wanted us to fuse into one and like we did.

"You need to go before something else happens."

Heavily breathing as my hips moved on their own Yakov growled quietly into my ear making me quiver. Then there was a knock at the door and we froze.
Quickly Yakov gently placed me off his lap, gifted my lips with a greeting from his and bent down to our fusion.

"I'll be back after dinner to be with you both."

He smiled holding my hips and looking down onto my stomach. Placing another kiss to it he jumped out the window onto the ledge and closed the window.

"I brought you some pirozhki cause I know you love it."

"Go get some more later, Im starving."

Timur laughed and placed the tray of stuffed buns into the bed before sitting down and we began to eat and watch a movie.

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