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First there was none, and then there was war.

When the all seeing one created the universe, the cosmos, and everything in between, he created heaven and hell, and placed it in the middle of our world, yet he did not create it in his spitting image.

He created it in chaos.

He created gods that would run the earth and answer to his every command, he created burning valleys of torture that stood in the midst of the world, humans who's only purpose was to serve as living corpses of flesh serving as food for the demonic titans, and currency for the towering archangels. Yet he was unsatisfied.

War was only the beginning, he gave the gods a purpose, to be evil or to be good, morality inscribed into their stones of virtue that they must follow by the word.

Their bibles for they were born not knowing any other rules. And so they thought it was the way of the world.

For if their god had written it, it must be so.

At first, the war was cold, peaceful on the outside. The angels tried to deliver their message from the all seeing one, and the demons did not head to their demands. The demons device a plan, to kill the archangel commander, so as they could get into the gates of heaven. They killed the commander, but failed to get into heaven as they were pushed back by the angels.

The angels were so displeased with the band of hermits who had killed their commander, they broke an all out war with the demons. An army with no authority, so they were left to their own devices. The first to suffer where the humans, lances of light thrown from the heavens across great distances of lands, the demons electrocuted till their skinned burned and eyes runny and fully cooked. The one's safe from the attack dispersed spells of darkness thrown from the heavens towards the angels.

At the front of the war, Gabriel, Michael and Raphael, commanding each at the 3 corners of the earth. And at his almighty right hand, Lucifer.

Commander of war.

Lucifer was the only angel that could be in the presence of the almighty one, but any angel who decided to stay in his blissful presence submitted himself toward the temporary blindness. For the almighty one did not allow himself to be seen, but in return, anyone who stayed in his presence, was rid of all sin on his body. Removing any shame or negligence that had once powered on to the body. Total blindness came to those who stayed too long, but seeing was not for those who achieved a higher state of mind.

As the war reached its peak, Lucifer came to give his final report to the all seeing one at his throne in the heavens. Stairs reaching higher and higher into the clouds, one had to climb through the spheres and reach Faith, Hope and Love, before they could reach on the stairs.

As they stairs took him upward, his eyes blinded and became all white around. They were clouded with his white light from the inside. He did not know when he was grabbing on to a pillar, naked flesh or marble rock, his vision continued to blind, he continued on to the top of the throne as best he could during the temporary blindness. He suddenly heard cries of the angels, angels who had repented for staying in his presence to long, crying for his mercy, wanting to stay close to him, even if they strayed to far one could reach sin and never be able to see again.

It was their limbo.

Even after they were touched by his presence, but strayed away, then once again managed to find him, they would never know it was him. For the rest of eternity they would search for false gods.

Lucifer reported his advances in the war, and the almighty spoke to him inside his head, that's the only way he knew he was speaking to him. The voice echoed and thumped inside his head, his blindness did not affect him for a moment, for when the almighty spoke an internal peace formed inside lucifer, like an eternal sunshine broke through his barriers and melted the ice on his body. But as he stopped speaking the sunshine started to diminish and the ice started to form again.

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