Riya was astounded, the vastness of the ocean below was making her dizzy, the island was being shrunk to the size no bigger than a dining table and she clung closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck tighter, even though he was the one holding onto her.

"Is this a direct flight towards death?"

She finally broke her long silence, perhaps that was the reason why her wellness was going down as she hadn't spoken in hours!

He chuckled and before he could answer, a spiral of blades sliced through the thick air, the rhythmic sound reverberated, shaking their eardrums. A helicopter hovered behind them, its pilot signalling them to rush inside, he pressed some buttons, the door slid open and they were shuffled in while he diverted the craft to the opposite direction.

The drone was disconnected and they got comfortably seated behind, the pilot gave a thumbs up at Moutasim in the rearview mirror and he nodded back.

Glancing at Riya beside who was looking out into the open panoramic view, he nudged her elbow, "You were kidnapped."

She scowled and muttered, "Oh, I figured that" she then looked away.

He stared at her weary face for quite a moment and heaved a sigh, she hadn't attacked him with questions or just simply hadn't turned violent as she would have otherwise. Maybe, the trauma of being kidnapped was too much for her to be herself or she was just very exhausted. He didn't know which, but he was grateful that she was safe and was beside him. Riya's life was at stake because of him, it still was and it would still be until she safely got home.

Only if he hadn't disrupted Panther's system and fooled around trying to quit earlier, but as they say, situations don't ask before they crack open in your face and at times, it can literally push you off a cliff!

The thing about life is, it really does push you until you break, just to check if you can put yourself back together. The choice is all yours; give in or give up.

His heart swelled with little relief and he opened a lid to a small compartment overhead, took out a water bottle and handed it to her. She drank it like there was no tomorrow. In the last few hours of her life, so much had happened, that feeling thirsty was the last thing she could get on her mind.


"Does it still hurt badly?" The doctor asked him, lightly pressing his finger on the injured shoulder blade.

Moutasim shook his head, "A little."

He beamed, "Alright then, the painkillers will do the rest of the work as well."

"Thank you, Doctor," he smiled back.

"Take care," he gently patted his back and started to leave while giving a confirming look at Riya who was perched up on the bed.

Neither of the two was seriously hurt to be treated at the hospital, but that mild wound from the horned cliff edge needed to be taken care of. Also, he needed to get Riya checked up.

Right now, she was in deep slumber while he laid on a recliner, keeping his arm still as not to move his shoulder so much. He tried to get some sleep himself, but he couldn't even though he was extremely exhausted and had taken a heavy dose of painkillers.

His brain was naturally keeping alert, his eyes rolling from her to the door and back at her again. He couldn't afford to be stupid once more, especially when they were still in the same city. It had cost him both their lives; hers mostly.

She turned, her face now towards him, it was twisted, discomfort clearly evident. Moutasim had gathered some four senior doctors to thoroughly examine her state for internal injuries or for any physical assault those monsters may have put her through. He had sworn that if such was the case, he would do something which no one would have ever thought of; killing only would have been a very light deed for them to bear.

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