Need U Bad-Chapter 7

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Jazmine POV

Working from home is boring as hell. All I do is wait for Beyoncé to get home. I always finish my work earlier than expected. I was cleaning up the office when I heard the doorbell go off.

I walked downstairs and looked out the peep hole but and seen someone who looked like Beyoncé with a baby in a car seat.

I opened the door to be greeted with a warm smile

"Hey Be- Well you aren't my sister" she said looking confused

"No, I'm Jazmine" I said stepping aside to let her in.

I went back out to grab the diaper bag that she left on the steps.

"Well, Hi Jazmine.. I'm Solange" She said sticking out her hand

I shook her hands as soft cries filled the living room.

Solange went to the baby taking her out of her car seat. She looked similar to her but she looked like someone else that i couldn't put a finger on.

"She's so cute, what's her name?" I asked

"Blue-Ivy" She said

"She looks so much like your sister" I said

"Well it is her baby" she said chuckling

My whole world stopped. She didn't tell me she had a child. I couldn't even remember seeing her bigger than what she is. But they say not everyone gains a lot of weight when they are pregnant. She was a little bigger but I never put two and two together when she went out for her "vacation".

I guess Solange felt my uncomfortableness.

"I'm sorry , may I ask who you are to my sister?" She said

I paused for a minute to really think about that question.

"I'm her girlfriend.." I said

She looked at me like she seen a ghost.

"You didn't know did you.." She said

"Can I ask you a question?" I said avoiding her question

"Anything" she said staring intently

"Who's the father?" I said looking at the baby

"Shawn" Solange said to me.

I tried to swallow but i couldn't, that lump started forming in my throat as the tears decided to slip out.


Beyoncé POV

I walked into the house, I didn't hear anything but the television from our bedroom.

I walked into the bedroom to see Jazmine laying on our bed with Blue on her chest.

She didn't even acknowledge me, she just continued to watch television and tears streamed down her face.

"Baby, I can explain" I said

She didn't even bother to look at me.

"Jazmine" I called out

She finally looked at me with her red puffy eyes.

" You kept one hell of a secret from me. " she barely said audible

"I'm sorry, Jazmine i just didn't know how to tell you" I said

"I forgive you, but only because I'm tired of being fucked over and I already have an attachment to this child. No more damn secrets." She said

I exhaled gracefully, It's been only a few months with Jazmine as my beautiful girlfriend and I finally have my own family.

I went over and started to kiss her. I kissed down her neck and sucked on her collarbone.

"Not around the baby" she said biting her lip and turning away

I giggled and went to take a nice hot shower. I didn't know how she'd take this.. I anticipated this moment for the longest.


Jazmine POV

Journal Entry : 
I honestly do already feel like this child is mine. I'm excited to have a little family. I want to talk to Beyoncé about adopting her so she'll be considered my daughter also. Don't get me wrong what she did was terrible. But you do the craziest things for love. I can honestly say I'm in love with her and when i first held Blue-Ivy I fell in love with her also. It's going to be a hard journey especially bearing the fact that she didn't even tell me she and Shawn had this baby. I can't trust her. But I'm willing to work it out. This baby just popped into my life whether I was ready or not. But even though this sounds terribly crazy Infee as if I'm ready for this journey called parenthood with the love of my life. I believe she is the one for me. All relationships have ups and downs. Nobody is perfect. I forgive her.

I closed my journal as Blue started wiggling on my chest. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I could feel the tears escaping my eyes not just from the pain but because I realized she was his baby. I realized that she was so beautiful.

She started to whine as we rocked on the bed, I started to sing to her.

"I used to dream about cars and things,
bout being a star and things,
i thought that i would out grow this feeling
seems my dreams won't go away so it's more like a nightmare
keeping me up all night like a nightmare it's taking over my mind
my desire burns inside like a flame and it can't and it won't be contained
cause I gotta be famous, I gotta be somebody " I sang gently into her ear

Soon she was in slumber that i'm sure wouldn't last very long. I kissed her forehead and laid her down in the middle of the bed between Beyoncé and I seeing how we didn't have a crib. I decided to get some rest while i could. I could tell tonight was going to be a long night.

Ah Shit *In my Beyoncé voice* 🤧🤦🏽‍♀️

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