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The Doctor walked into the flat timidly and sat down in the client chair Sherlock had set out.

"Okay so I have been conversing with your brother for a while now, he's actually managed to secure himself a high place in the modern day British government, so he can come to the future, your parents can stay where they are, you can visit them whenever you wish. But I think you should stay in the modern day, this era needs you more than then, so if it's okay with you, you won't be returning to 1895" the Doctor babbled quickly.

Sherlock and John exchanged glanced before John nodded to Sherlock who then began to speak.

"Splendid Doctor, we love it here, I admit that the kettle caused some confusion for me and John but we soon worked it out, we will be happy to stay here, tell my brother I'm happy for him, I couldn't bear to do it myself" Sherlock said happily, standing up and taking the teacups away to the kitchen.

"Well that's great then!" The Doctor exclaimed, gaining back his full confidence. He then ran up to Sherlock suddenly and grabbed his face between his hands and kissed him fully on the lips, John stood shocked and Sherlock freaked out looking wide eyed at John.

When the doctor pulled away he smiled stupidly, before registering their shock, "guess your still living in the 19th century, you'll get used to it" the Doctor chuckled before enveloping John in a hug and leaving.

"Well that was um--unexpected" Sherlock stuttered, fighting for words.

"Most certainly, are you okay?" John asked concerned.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine" he muttered, still staring at a simple spot on the kitchen worktop.

"You seriously think I believe that?" John asked, approaching his friend slowly and pulling him away from the kitchen, guiding him to sit on his chair on the living room.

Sherlock started randomly giggling and had tears in his eyes, John looked at him in concern, moving the detectives hair out of his eyes so he could see his face clearly.

"Guess we're here forever then?" Sherlock asked after a while, John just shrugged. "I like it here, it's spontaneous and it suits our lifestyle" he decided.

"Yes I quite agree, although I would rather he didn't kiss you" John decided.

"Jealous?" Sherlock teased.

"Mmm deduce it mister Holmes" John played back.

Sherlock blushed and headed off to his room for the night.


They had been living in the modern day for over a month now, Sherlock had managed to trick Scotland Yard into giving him cases when impressing the detective inspector, who was working at the time, with his deductions and evidence to prove them.

John worked alongside him and they found they grew closer than ever, there were no boundaries and judgmental glances for how they cared for each other, 1895 had been a time when how close they were as friends would be frowned upon.

It was more months and they found themselves on a case, adrenaline fueled and ecstatic, they raced after the culprit, he'd killed two people, and it was dangerous but they had always done this so why would this time be any different?

Sherlock raced round a corner but was yanked back harshly as a bullet whipped by where he had been standing just before, he heard it whizz through the air and it left his ears ringing, he could feel John still holding tightly to his hand, nails digging into the soft skin of his palm.

John looked quickly around the corner, drawing his own gun out of his jeans pocket, Sherlock stared as he crept around the corner before looking at Sherlock confused and grabbing his scarf and dragging him after him. Sherlock yelped and pulled away running ahead yet again, trying to focus his mind.

The man fired again and Sherlock ducked away from the gunshot, John fired and soon the man was on the floor, his shin bleeding from where John had shot him expertly to make him stop fighting but not permanent damage.

Sherlock handcuffed him and then stood back, staring happily at the man on he floor, just another criminal to go behind bars. Sherlock breathed heavily as John shoved him up against the wall, knocking the remaining air from his lungs. He pressed his lips to the taller mans forcefully getting an unexpected moan from the detective.

It was harsh and adrenaline filled, neither man thinking straight, this would have got them executed once but now they blended in, it was normal these days and no one stopped to look.

Sherlock panted for air once John broke away, his lips swollen and red, his hair more disheveled than earlier and his scarf pulled messily around his neck. John smiled at him devilishly before grabbing the detectives scarf in his hand and pulling him along, the taller man stumbling behind him, stooped down so he wasn't strangled.

It wasn't as if he could disagree with them, when they had joined it felt like a closed circuit, finally the switch had been fixed and the wires connected and they could feel the energy pulse through them and it was no longer just an adrenaline fueled kiss but one of deeper emotions than that, of darker secrets they'd never shared because they could never have what they had always wanted but now they could and they were no longer afraid.

John kept smiling and Sherlock was soon smiling too even though he wasn't sure why, it was a shame that the first time he'd been kissed was by a mad man with a blue box but it was overwhelming that the second time was by the person he'd fallen for all those years ago. And he was smiling and happy and it was worth it.

We Don't Belong In                                                      1895Where stories live. Discover now