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"Sherlock" John whispered into the flat as he came home from having to fetch milk at eight o'clock in the evening. He looked around trying to catch sight of his friend but saw nothing of him.

He continued walking and it was only when he knocked something heavy with his foot and dared to look down that he saw Sherlock lying there unconscious. He seemed unscathed but he wouldn't wake up no matter how much John tried.

"Sherlock!" John hissed, dragging the man to the sofa and putting his body into recovery position. "Wake up!"

Sherlock stayed unconscious so John decided to call the doctor, he had his number from when they had met, he dialed it and after four rings he heard the doctors voice on the other end.

"Hello John, what is it?" He asked cheerfully.

"Sherlocks unconscious, he's breathing but there is no visible signs as to why" John said quickly. "Doctor please help"

"Okay I'm on my way, I'll be there as soon as I can" the Doctor whispers down the phone as the sound of metal clanking around in the background started to grow louder.

There was a loud clank and then the Doctor quickly hung the phone up leaving John distraught and trying to wake the detective.

A few seconds later there was a whooshing noise in the living room and it was hard to explain, there were papers and cases flying everywhere and John wandered why he ever bothered to tidy up.

But then the blue box was there in the living room and the Doctor quickly opened the door, wearing a red bow tie and a large overcoat, he appeared to have snow all over him and was also wearing a dear stalker.

"What in the world---" John began before he was brought back to his friends attention by a small groan.

"Okay so um I don't know, um hang on" the Doctor stuttered, hunting wildly in his many pockets until he pulled out his sonic screwdriver and flicked it open so that it was extended, he then pointed it at Sherlock.

He scanned over Sherlock and checked his internal organs and brain and then came to a conclusion that he had been attacked by something alien.

"Best thing to do is wake him, and see what it was that attacked him" the Doctor decided.

"And how do you propose we do that!" John asked sarcastically. John checked his friends pulse again to find it had gone terribly faint and was barely even there. "Doctor he's dying!"

"Oh dear, no that won't do at all" the Doctor began muttering to himself, paving frantically.

John continued holding lightly to his friends wrist, reading his faint pulse. But then his pulse cut off completely and his breathing stopped. John began doing CPR on him but he was having no luck, he had tears streaming down his face as he tried to restart his friends heart. The Doctor sighed irritably and knelt down next to the two men.

"Doctor help him!" John screamed, his emotions becoming to overwhelming to control anymore.

The Doctor laid his hand over Sherlocks heart and then after a few seconds it began to glow, a golden light enveloping around Sherlocks body, John held his friends pulse and he could feel it beating a rhythm again, strong as it had been before.

John watched as his friends chest rose up and down and he was breathing by himself, the Doctor sat back, shaking his arms out and yawning tiredly.

They continued to watch as Sherlock regained consciousness, his finger moved, and his eyes twitched slightly before snapping open and locking onto John's and giving a weak smile. 

"Sherlock thank goodness!" John exclaimed, grabbing hold of Sherlock and pulling him tightly into a hug. "Thank you Doctor, I owe you so much"

"It's fine, I need him on this planet as much as you need him in your life, I wouldn't let him die" the Doctor promised. "You two are under my protection"

"John, what happened?" Sherlock wheezed as he tried to escape John's choking grasp.

"You got attacked and then you stopped breathing and your heart stopped but the Doctor brought you back to life" John explained hurriedly, tears running down his face as he ran a hand soothingly through Sherlocks curls.

"Doctor?" Sherlock whispered.

"Yes Mr Holmes?"

"What attacked me?" Sherlock asked.

"We don't yet know, we'll find out though, I won't let anything happen to either of you" the Doctor promised laying a reassuring hand on Sherlocks shoulder.

"Doctor, take the room upstairs, I'll take Sherlock to his bed and I'll stay with him" John assured waving the Doctor off upstairs.

"Thankyou" the Doctor called as he made his way upstairs and into John's room.

When the Doctor was gone, John lifted Sherlocks head to meet his own and gently pressed his lips to the detectives, running a hand through his curls and getting a small gasp out of the taller man. He then scooped Sherlock up off he sofa bridal style and carried him to his bedroom, laying him on the bed and taking his shoes off for him.

He then pulled Sherlock under the covers and lay beside him, his arm wrapped over the detective protectively, his other hand carding through Sherlocks hair. John pressed kisses to the detectives forehead and cheek, holding him close and slowly drifting off to sleep wrapped in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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