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Charley pulled up outside Waterloo Road Comprehensive school. It was her first day there as a student teacher. She was still at University but she was working at the school part-time.

Charley went inside. She was hoping to see her uncle. Tom Clarkson. She also knew her sister worked there too.

After asking someone for directions, she finally found the office. "Hi. I'm Charley-Rose Harper. I'm the new trainee," she said.
"Take a seat. Mr Tyler or Miss Mason will be out soon."
As Charley sat down, Rachel came into the office.
"Hello," she said.
"This is Charley-Rose," the receptionist said. Rachel smiled and went over to Charley. She shook her hand.
"Welcome to Waterloo Road, let's get you seen to," Rachel said.

Rachel took Charley into the office and sat her down. She grabbed her timetable and a map.
"Here we go. These are yours," she said. Charley took them gently and smiled.
"Would you like me to take you to the staffroom?" Rachel asked. Charley smiled and nodded.

Rachel led the way to the staffroom. Charley looked around the school as she went.
"Is it true you're Hayley-Ann's sister?" Rachel asked.
Charley smiled. "That's right. I'm her baby sister."
"She's a lovely woman."

Charley followed Rachel into the staffroom. She saw her sister and uncle. "Charley!"
Tom walked over and hugged him. "What a day to come. Merger with John Fosters."
Charley frowned. "What's that?"
"The poshest school in the district has decided to join up with us so be prepared for trouble," Hayley said. Charley groaned.

Tom smiled and made his niece a cup of coffee.
"There you go," Tom said as he handed it to her.
"Thanks Uncle Tom," she said. Charley took a sip of it as a teacher with curly brown hair came over.
"You must be our student teacher. I'm Kim."
"Yeah. I'm Charley."
Kim smiled. "You're helping me out with pastoral care too?"
Charley nodded. "Yeah."

Charley went to assembly with Tom, Kim and Hayley. There was already some tension. "This is awkward," Charley mumbled to her sister.
"I know. Just try not to react to any side," Hayley told her.

Tom sat down with his nieces and Rachel walked up to the stage. She began to talk when all John Fosters pupils began to clap. Hayley, Charley and Tom turned around in their seats to see a man with jet black hair in a suit walk in.

Charley looked at him. She tapped Tom's shoulder. "Who's that?" She asked.
Before Tom could reply, Rachel spoke. "Everybody, this is Mr Tyler. I'm sure most of you John Foster's know him but not in his new role as executive head because he's gonna be overseeing four schools in the area."
Tom smirked. "There's your answer."

Charley felt someone looking at her. She looked up into the eyes of Max Tyler. Max smirked at her and walked up to the stage. Hayley noticed.
"Just ignore him. He's trying to intimidate you," Hayley told her. Charley nodded but couldn't help wanting Max to look at her again.

Charley watched Max talk from the stage. He looked down at Charley after every sentence.
"Blah blah blah blah," Michaela muttered.
"You girl," Max said. For once, his gaze was off Michaela.
"Are you stupid?"
Max smirked. "You better prove that to me."

The assembly had ended and so Charley stood to leave. She walked over to Max. "It's a good idea not to make pupils feel inferior to others," she said.
"Miss Mason thought I should calm some fears for the new pupils," Max said.
"Oh right. Okay," Charley mumbled. She walked off.

Max smirked as he watched Charley leave the hall. He was going to get her and he knew he would.

Charley smiled as she seen Tom standing waiting on her.
"Hayley went on to her classroom. I'm taking you to yours," Tom said. Charley nodded and followed Tom. Suddenly Tom was called back by Max.
"Tom! I'm looking forward to seeing you shape your new department," Max said shaking his hand.
Tom smiled. "Thank you. Looking forward to being Head of English," he said. He looked at Charley. "This is my niece Charley. She's a student teacher."
"Max Tyler."

Charley walked to her classroom with Tom. She was anxious. "When are you in Uni this week?" Tom asked.
"Friday's and Monday's," Charley said.
Tom nodded. "Well, you're sharing with me first lesson."
"Brilliant," Charley mumbled. Tom smiled.

Tom was letting Charley take the class. He had given her the stuff the night before.
"You okay?" Tom asked as Charley read over the sheets. She nodded.

Tom brought in his new form class. Charley took a deep breath. "Right this is Miss Harper. She's our rookie. Look after her," Tom said.

Max thought about Charley. He thought she was beautiful. "Chris. How's things?"
"Wasn't expecting to see you today."
Max smirked. "I want to keep an eye on things," he said. He looked at Chris. "How are things staffwise? Kim? Rachel?"
"Looking forward to working with them both."
Max nodded. "And the student teacher?"
"She seems alright," Chris said. Max nodded. Chris looked at him. "I hope you're not having doubts about her."
"I'm not. I think she'll thrive," Max said. Chris nodded.

Charley began to teach. Tom smiled at her to reassure her and helped her out when she needed it. Max walked past the classroom and smiled in. He nodded at Tom.

When the first lesson ended, Charley took a deep breath. "That wasn't bad," Tom said.
Tom nodded. "Of course. You're a natural."

Tom took her to the staffroom. Charley saw Max. "Charley."
Charley smiled slightly. She felt intimidated by him.

Max smiled at her. She made herself a cup of coffee and Hayley called her over. Charley quickly made her way over.

Hayley held Charley in a hug.
"How was first lesson?" Hayley asked. Charley smiled.
"It was good. Nerving but Tom said I was a natural," Charley told her sister.

Hayley smiled. "See. I told you you would be."
"Yeah. Okay."
Hayley grinned.

Charley had a free period. She sat with Steph, Jo, Tom, Kim, Ruby and Helen. Helen kept on talking to Charley. "Want a bit?"
Charley shook her head. "No thanks."
"Grantly how about you?" Steph asked. Grantly looked up and shook his head.

Ruby began to slag off the pupils of Waterloo Road.
"Bunch of thugs," Ruby mumbled.
"That sort of language isn't helpful is it?" Kim asked.
Ruby frowned. "I'm not trying to be helpful. I'm being honest."
"And may I say a very accurate depiction myself. Bang on," Grantly said.
Kim shook her head. "That's all we need. Another bigot like Grantly."
Charley looked at Tom. "Are they always like this?"

Tom and Hayley both knew Charley hated being in rows. "Charley, do you wanna come with me?" Hayley asked.
Charley nodded and walked out with Hayley.

Hayley took her to her class. Charley smiled.
"This is a nice classroom," she said.
"Yeah, it's alright. It will do anyway," Hayley said. Charley giggled.

Hayley and Charley sat down together. Charley cuddled into her.
"I don't like the rows," she mumbled.
"I know Charley," Hayley replied soothingly.
Charley sighed. "Mum and dad were rowing last night again."
"They shouldn't keep rowing."
Charley nodded. "They do though."

*One Week Later*

Charley sat in the staffroom and cried. She hated being at Waterloo Road. She hated teaching. She wanted to quit.

The door opened and Max walked in. Charley stood up and went to leave. Max had been horrid to her more than once.

Max looked at Charley.
"Why are you crying?" Max asked. Charley kept walking. "Where are you going?"
"You've got your way Max. I'm leaving," Charley cried. She walked towards the door.

Max grabbed her arm gently and turned her around. Before Charley could ask what he wanted, Max grabbed her face gently and kissed her passionately. Charley was shocked but found herself wrapping her arms around Max's neck and kissing him back.

Max smirked against her lips. "I can make this job easier," he said when he pulled away.
Max smirked again. "Sleep with me and everything will become easier."

Charley was shocked. She grabbed her bag and walked out. She didn't want to be the one who slept with the boss to make her job successful."
Charley sat in the female staff bathroom. She didn't know what to do.

She opened her bag and began to fix her makeup that had ran. She looked at herself in the mirror.
"Can you do it?" Charley mumbled to her reflection.

She sighed as she applied her eyeliner. She knew that she wanted the job but she knew her life would get worse if she didn't sleep with him.
Charley knew what she was going to do. She was going to sleep with Max Tyler to make sure she was good at her job.

Charley went to find Max. She saw him in the corridor. "Can I talk to you?"
"Go on."
"I'll do it. I'll have sex with you."
Max smirked. "I knew you would. First session is tonight."
"Okay. What's your address?" Charley asked. Max laughed.
"We're going to a hotel. I'm picking you up," he said. Charley nodded.

She went to the staffroom and grabbed herself a coffee before going to Tom's class. He smiled at her.
"Everything okay?" Tom asked. Charley nodded.
"Chris Mead has been looking at you."
Tom smiled. "He would be good for you. But keep away from Max Tyler."

Charley quickly walked out. She saw Max. "What time tonight?"
"6:30. I'll meet you outside your address."
Charley nodded and wrote down her address.
Max smirked and put it in his trouser pocket. He winked at her and walked off.

Charley went to find Chris. Chris smiled as she came into his classroom.
"Hey Charley," he said.
"Hi Chris. Is everything okay?" Charley asked him. Chris smiled.
"Are you free any time?"

Charley was shocked. She didn't know if Max would get angry or not.
"I-I'm not sure," she mumbled.
"Well, when you are let me know and maybe we can go out for a date together?" Chris suggested. Charley just nodded and walked out.
Charley got worried. She saw Max again. "I sleep with you, is this a one time thing?" She asked.
"No. A regular thing. I'm a man. I have needs. You're a very beautiful young girl who could fulfil my needs. Unless you're a virgin," Max said.
"No. I'm not a virgin."

Charley walked off. She went to Hayley. "When are you and Hector coming?"
"Soon. Why?"
Charley smiled. "You've got a three year old who wants to see you."
Hayley smiled at Charley. Charley grinned.
"You know who," Charley said.
Hayley laughed and nodded. "Oh I do. Last time she tried to plait Hector's hair."

Hayley and Charley sat down together. Charley showed Hayley the recent photos of her.
"I miss Autumn-Rose so much," Hayley said.
Charley smiled. "She missed you too and Hector. You and Hector need to make some babies so I can be an auntie."
Hayley laughed. "Maybe chick."
Charley smiled. "I had to spend last night playing with Autumn."
"Wouldn't go to sleep."

The school day had ended. Charley walked out to her car and sighed. She was anxious about having sex with Max. She didn't know if he actually wanted to be with her.

Charley got home and saw Autumn sitting in her apron. "I be paint with mummy!"
Charley smiled slightly. "Did you? What did you paint?"
Autumn took Charley's hand and toddled to the kitchen. She lifted up a page from the table that had a table cloth on it and showed it to Charley.

The picture was of the family.
"Me paint us!" Autumn said. Charley smiled and hugged Autumn.
"Hayley says she'll stop by soon," Charley said. Karen smiled.
"It would be wonderful to see her. I know Autumn would love to see her too. Why doesn't she come over tonight?" Karen suggested as she cleaned up.
Charley sighed. "I'm going out tonight."
"Well there's no reason she can't come tonight."
"She's my sister."
Karen nodded. "Autumn wants to see her big sister too."

Charley went upstairs to get ready. She didn't know what to wear for her night with Max. She text Hayley lying saying she was meeting friends from uni. Hayley told her to wear her red dress with black heels.

Charley laid out her clothes and began to do her makeup. Autumn toddled in with her teddy bear.
"Ooo!" Autumn said when she seen all the colours in Charley's makeup drawers. Charley smiled.
"You like them?" she asked. Autumn nodded, still in amazement.
"When you're older, I'll do you some make up."
Charlee smiled. She adored Autumn so much.

When Charley was ready, she went downstairs. Autumn followed. "Don't let her walk downstairs on her own," Jack said.
Charley held Autumn's hand as she walked downstairs.
"Me be like Charley!" Autumn said to Jack. Jack lifted Autumn up.

"Will Autumn be okay?" Charley asked.
"Isn't she always?" Jack replied. Charley just nodded and walked off. She wasn't in the mood. She just wanted to spend more time with Autumn.
Charley left the house when she got a text from Max. She saw his car and got in. "Charley."

Max drove them to Manchester. "Why here?" Charley asked.
"No one will bother us. We'll look like an ordinary couple," replied Max.
Charley just nodded. She wanted it over and done with. They went into the hotel.
"Tyler," Max said to the receptionist. She handed over a key and Max took Charley to the elevator.

Max found the room and opened the door. Charley stepped in first. She was shocked at how expensive the place clearly was.
"Wow," she mumbled.
Max smirked. "Well I thought we should do this in style."

Max went to get them some wine. "Red or white?"
"Coming up."

Charley kicked off her heels and sighed. She sat on the bed. Max walked over and gave her the glass of wine. "Not trying to get me drunk are you?" Charley asked. Max smirked.
"You'll have to wait and find out," Max teased. Charley grinned and drank her wine.

As Charley and Max drank their glasses of wine, Max's hand travelled up her thigh.
"What are you doing?" Charley asked.
"What you want."
She scoffed. "You mean what you want."
Max looked at her. "I've told you. If this happens then your job will become much easier," he said.
"How will it become easier?"
"It will."

Charley drank her wine. She looked at Max. "Where's the bathroom?" She asked.
"Through there."
Charley nodded and stood to go in the bathroom.
"Don't try to hide in there," Max said as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. Charley just nodded and walked into the bathroom.

She locked the door and looked down at her hands. They were shaking like mad.
"Calm down," Charley mumbled to herself. She took a deep breath and used the bathroom.
Charley left the bathroom and saw Max. She smiled slightly. "Had to pee."

Charley walked over to him. Max grabbed her and pulled her up against him. "You're beautiful."
"This is just sex."
"Yeah but I can still tell you that you're gorgeous," Max said. Charley pushed Max gently onto the bed.

She straddled him and kissed him. Max kissed back. Max gently pulled off Charley's dress. He grinned.
"Lace underwear?" he asked when he pulled away.
"Thought you might like it."
Max smirked and kissed her again. "You're amazing."
"Gee thanks."
They kissed again.

Max flipped them again. He moved between Charley's legs. "You're not a virgin are you?" He asked.
Charley shook her head. "Far from a virgin. I know everything there is to know about sex."
"Good. Let's see it then," he said. Charley smirked and moaned as Max pushed into her.

Max smiled and kissed her neck as they had sex. When Max sped up Charley dug her nails into his back. Max groaned.
"Cut those nails," Max moaned.
"Make me."

Max bit her neck gently. Charley moaned loudly. Max smirked and went as hard as he could for her. Eventually, they climaxed together.

Max pulled out and laid on the bed next to her. "That wasn't bad."
"I know."
Max pulled her on top of him.

Charley groaned. "I'm going. I want food."
"Wait. We'll order in something from room service," he said.
Charley knew she wouldn't get away. She just nodded. Max got the room service menu and handed it to her.

Charley picked what she wanted and Max rang up. He ordered and hung up.
"That's food ordered," Max said. Charley nodded. Max kissed her cheek. Charley moved away slightly.
Max sighed. "You should be grateful I've taken the time to do this."

The food came. Charley grinned. "Well you know how to treat a girl don't you. I feel lucky."
"Good. I don't do this very often."
Charley and Max sat at the small table in the room and ate their food. Max had ordered more wine for them.

Charley noticed how Max would look at her body every so often.
"What are you constantly looking at?" Charley asked.
Max smirked. "Just seeing all that's mine."
"Yours? I'm not your posession."
Max smirked. "You are."

When they'd eaten, Charley stood. "I needa go home. There's something I've got to do."
"I'll take you back in the morning."
Charley sighed. "You can't keep me hostage."
"Oh I'm not. But it's nearing 11:30pm now."
Charley sighed. She text her mum.
"Staying at a friend's. Will be back early morning - C xx"
"Have fun. Love you - Mum xx"

Charley put her phone down and went under the duvet. Max pulled off his boxers and got in beside her. Charley felt him hold her. She liked the comfort but hated the fact it was only about sex.

Charley fell asleep and began dreaming about how her life would change now she had been with Max. Would it be for the better?

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