Chapter 4

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It was successful. News of a new "Wattpad Hero" quickly spread around the site. Of course, there were a few skeptics, who believed that Bunion of Doooooom (or BoD) was just ToD messing around. Those fools were merely the minority. The rest of the active Wattpad population celebrated in the style of the Internet, and BoD brought smiles and cheer to fanboys and fangirls alike. Soon, certain users began to foretell a great "battle" between the two forces.


In the bedroom of that same crazy adolescent...


"Asparaguspie, no!" grunted Lynn, with anger in her voice. She hoped the neighbours couldn't hear her. Quickly thinking of a temporary solution, Lynn called one of her friends. At a ludicrous speed, she dialled the numbers on the home phone. In a matter of milliseconds, the phone was answered.

"I think we're in trouble..." she nervously said, her breathing agitated and inconsistent. She proceeded to alert her partner-in-crime of the terrible news. They had come to two conclusions. The first one was to stop with this hacking business before things got serious, or integrate more people to the team. 

Lynn the unwilling minion begged her "friend" to go for the first option, only to recieve silence. 

"Think about the money, Lynn, the precious, beautiful money." said the other member of ToD. The minion tried to resist the temptation and not think about money, but sadly, she failed. She knew that she would rely on it to fund her addiction to glittery shoes and pink hair dye. It was ridiculous, but she couldn't just refuse.

Stressed and tired, Lynn collapsed into a heap and had nightmares with extremely complicated mathematical equations. 


At a reunion with Claire and her trusty friends...


"I believe I've solved part of the problem." Sam said, shaking her ridiculously curly head of hair.

"I'm sure you've located that dastardly Twig" suggested Gina, gesticulating wildly with her left pinkie. 

Sam continued to explain what she had found out about ToD, and the approximate location.

"Yes. I think we could contact the police in that area, 'cause there's no way we are buying plane tickets." Claire interrupted. The three friends had come to an agreement. There was only one they hadn't found out, which was explained earlier in this book.


A/N: Aaaaaand another chapter is done (methinks)! I feel like this is getting more and more unrealistic, but who cares? *shot*

Edit: I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but tests and writer's block are getting in the way. Hopefully, I'll be able to update someday.

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