Chapter 2

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At least six hours and a bowl of popcorn had passed, and Claire's efforts to uncover the mysterious Twig of Doooooom proved fruitless. Her eyes stung from the computer screen's glare, and her emerald-tinted locks could've been mistaken for a bird's nest.

"Drat, it seems this Twig-person has been using a fake IP address." she moaned to herself. "But I'm not going to sleep just yet..." she added, despite being tired enough to sleep on the floor. She had trawled the interwebz searching for something at least similar. There was one corner, however, which she had forgotten to check. Wattpad.

"That'll probably be useless too," she thought. All of a sudden, an idea burst into her head. She had remembered an inside joke from her childhood referring to twigs. More specifically, one of her friends was nicknamed "Twig".

Clearing her mind, Claire meditated. Instantly, the memories came bright and clear. What if the Twig of Doooooom's real identity was her childhood friend, Laura? No, that just couldn't be possible. It was too unrealistic, even for Twilight Saga. The last time Claire had heard from her, she was working as a successful businesswoman in Hong Kong.

"Perhaps I'll give her a bell... when I get some decent shuteye, that is," mumbled Claire.

Now, when she needed a rest, her mind's gears whirred insanely in search of an answer. "Twig of Doooooom, Twig of Doooooom..." she grunted inconsciously in her sleep.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed the filler.

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