Chapter 3

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Meanwhile, in the bedroom of a crazy 18-year-old in England...


As the rain poured outside the block of flats, a girl of around 18 frenetically typed on an ancient, bulky laptop. She was starting to get irritated with the slowness of the internet, but she couldn't just stop what she was doing. Oh, no. It had taken her days, no- weeks, to achieve her goal. And, boy, was she enjoying it.

Remember Victoria in the first chapter? Well, since then, Wattpad had been getting more chaotic by the day, and Claire was coming closer (or so she thought) to unveiling Twig of Doooooom's identity. Other than the pink logo and not-so-kind regards, all the decent stories had now been replaced with awful fanfics.

It had gotten to the point where some people had their usernames changed. Guess what happened when these victims tried to change it back? Exactly. These innocent people were greeted with this lovely message:

WTF? You don't like the username I gave you? Ungrateful, filthy scum, do you know how long it took me to think it up? Ok, it only took me two minutes, but so what? And who wouldn't want a username from the one and only Twig of Doooooom? Don't answer.

Anyways, the usual not-so-kind regards,

Twig of Doooooom. XOXO

Fortunately, the malicious hacker still allowed people to access the clubs. The majority of them were pretty much empty, except for the Cafe. It was almost exploding with Twig of Doooooom discussion threads. To make matters worse, some users even opened a fanclub for this trickster, entitled "The ToD Fanclub". You can probably guess how many people were in it.

Now to return to the first topic... well, as for that girl, it's likely that you're guessing she is the legendary ToD. Wrong, readers, wrong. Different from what many may think, Twig of Doooooom is not one, but a duo. And that girl, Lynn Murphy, was merely the leader's minion.

"B-but... who the heck is the leader?" you may ask. Well, that shall be revealed hopefully soon.


At Claire's Headquarters...


Claire had already called her friend, and she was pretty sure she wasn't the mysterious hacker. She had convinced her friend Sam to help with the case, and Claire was praying for an answer. Miraculously, the phone rang. Guess who it was? Yep.

"I believe I have located Twig of Doooooom." came Sam's cockney accent.

"Woohooo!" Claire jumped for joy. She was one step closer to ending this prankster's days of fun. During her days of searching for a solution, she had had another idea to help fight the evil on Wattpad. After the euphoria had ended, Claire simply typed a few sentences. Hopefully, the Wattpadians would be pleased.

Harro, wonderful people. I know you're having a hard time with this annoying Twig-person, but just bear with me. Everything's gonna be alright (I hope).

Kinder-than-not-so-kind regards,

Bunion of Doooooom.

"That should reassure them alright" she said to herself, pleased.


A/N: I hope this chapter wasn't too awful.

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