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Time:13:40. Location: Some mangy town in Brazil.

It was a usual day for Victoria. Get back from school, have lunch, do the homework. And of course, log into Wattpad. After brushing her teeth, Victoria turned on her ancient, buggy laptop. While she waited for it to boot, she decided to listen to some music on her phone. No, Victoria wasn't the kind of thirteen-year-old to listen to One Direction, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus or that kind of stuff. 

Victoria is a fan of many sorts of music, especially Vocaloid. Like many Vocalovers, she has a soft spot for one particular character. In this case, Megpoid Gumi. Immediately, the sound of her favourite voice synthesizer flowed into her green ear buds. As Gumi sung the first line of Soul Breeze, the monitor of the Laptop lit up. 

Pausing the song, Victoria logged into her account. After a few seconds, she clicked on the Google Chrome icon and got into Wattpad. Nothing abnormal there, right? Wrong. The girl stared at the screen for a fraction of a second, confused. Instead of the usual orange, the Wattpad logo had turned pink. 

"The Wattpad Team is probably playing pranks on the users, that's all. Or it's merely a glitch" she reassured herself, as she clicked on her works. After what seemed like an eternity, the page loaded. She wasn't surprised to see the covers on her stories had disappeared, due to the PC's slowness. 

"It's about time I updated this one," she quietly said to herself. To her horror, the seventeen chapters of the story had been reduced to only one. Victoria was sure that something wasn't right. Nervously, she clicked on the only remaining chapter. 

She noticed something terrible, beyond her vivid imagination, had ocurred. Instead of the chapter she had taken time and effort to write, she saw a message which read: 

Hello, Wattpadian. I know you clicked this thinking it was your story. Calm down and let me explain. I'm sure you want to know my reasons for taking over Wattpad, but at the moment, it's not necessary to know. I might get some more work done when I stop procrastinating.

Not-so-kind regards, 

~Twig of Doooooom. XOXOXO 

"This can't be a simple prank played by the WP Team," Victoria muttered. She needed to tell them about it. That is, if they didn't already know. Decisively, she scrolled down the page and clicked  on "Contact us." To her further shock, the Feedback section had been replaced with another message from the hacker. It read:

So you think you're smart? Trololol

~Twig of Doooooom. XOXOXO

 Victoria hoped there was someone out there doing something about it. Since she had no other option, Victoria logged off, shut down her computer. After all, that person definitely wasn't her. And anyways, she needed to finish reading that library book.


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