Jonathan stared back at me with an expression of incredulity.

I laughed. "Never mind. Although she really does live in Naples, North Carolina."

Jonathan just shook his head.

"So, where are we meeting these cousins?" I continued.

"Some park," Jonathan answered. "I have the address. Aran says he has the food covered."

"All right then," I said, deciding not to question this decision to eat outside in fifty-ish degree weather.

"We should probably leave now," Jonathan said, starting to walk in the direction of the nearest bus stop. As I met his pace, he put his arm over my shoulders, and I noted that I didn't have to try quite as hard this time to remind myself to breath. I decided that was progress.


"Jonathan, this is Volunteer Park."

We had walked a few blocks from the bus stop to reach our destination, and I was just now realizing why the area looked so familiar.

"Yeah, so?"

"So this is one of the biggest parks in the city. You made it sound like we were going to some obscure place."

"How would I know what parks you've been to?" Jonathan defended himself.

"Everyone's come to Volunteer Park," I marvelled. "I came to so many birthday parties here when I was little. I sprained my wrist falling off the monkey bars at the playground. I gave my mom a heart attack here when I got grass stains on my dress."

"Who wears a dress to a park?" Jonathan asked in a distracted tone, scanning the area.

"People whose mothers are actually Mary Todd Lincoln," I replied, then joined him in looking over our surroundings. "Any idea where your cousins are located in the park?"

We stood at the entrance to the playground, which was completely empty excluding a few squirrels. The viewing tower jutted out from behind a patch of trees in the distance, set against a white and grey sky. Volunteer Park was something like fifty acres, and Jonathan's cousins could be anywhere.

After a second, Jonathan let out a breath of resignation. "Nope."

"Well that's great," I commented, then walked over to the swingset at the playground and sat down. Jonathan did the same.

"Hey! Jonathan! Jonathan's girlfriend!"

I nearly fell off my swing, raising my head to pinpoint where the shout had come from.

Jonathan stood up. "Josh. Rose."

My eyes landed on two of the teenagers I had met a few weeks back by accident; a short haired girl with a maroon beanie and a broad shouldered boy with an expression that always looked like he was about to laugh.

The girl, who I assumed was Rose, walked up and shoved Jonathan backwards a bit. "What are you doing playing on the swings? We're over at some gazebo Aran found."

Jonathan pushed her back lightly in response, smiling faintly at the girl. "And you couldn't have told me that?"

"Let's go," said the boy who must have been Josh. "Aran has the whole thing planned out. He's getting impatient."

"Well we can't keep Aran waiting, now can we?" Jonathan decided, taking my hand and following the two of them. I blinked with some surprise at this gesture, and reminded myself not to go back on my progress.

We approached a pretty white gazebo, walking up the steps to reach the group of teenagers. I quickly looked over the group: there was Aran, tall and annoyingly good looking, and Preston, sitting up straight and feigning politeness. Then Josh and Rose, then presumably the ones named Theo and Ramsay, although I couldn't remember who was who.

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