Chapter 21

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A/N: I now have a page with pictures of all the main characters. You can find it at the third published part in the story, titled Cast.


"My ears have not yet drunk a thousand words of which--no--of that tongue's utterance, yet I do not, um...I know the sound." I sighed and quickly rattled off the last line. "Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?"

Jonathan paused before beginning his line, but I stopped him. "Wait," I said, sighing again. "I messed it up. We should start again."

Mr. Harrelson spoke in a kind voice, looking up at the stage where we were standing. "You're doing well, Zara, don't get discouraged. It's a lot to remember."

I clasped my hands. "I swear I'm not usually this bad at memorizing stuff," I promised. "It's just the language, it's...I just just need to practice more."

At that moment, Mrs. Tuitt came bursting off the staircase into the room. "Jonathan! And Zara!" she cried. "Of all the days to be late! Come here!"

She met us up on the stage and gave us each a bone-crushing hug. I smiled despite my pain.

"Hi Mrs. Tuitt. Good to see you again."

Jonathan just raised a hand as greeting, evidently trying to hide a grimace.

"I have a couple kids on the way to see you!" Mrs . Tuitt continued, practically overflowing with cheer. "They have lead roles in our upcoming production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and I thought that it would be good for them to see a couple more experienced actors in action!"

"Oh, um--" I blinked, wondering if she had forgotten the last time she had heard me recite. "Well, I'm not really an experienced actress, but--well..."

"We actually have to go in a couple minutes," Jonathan interjected. "Sorry."

"Oh, well that's a shame!" Mrs. Tuitt replied earnestly. "Where do you have to be off to?"

Imagining the kind of reaction mentioning the date would result in, I jumped in. "Dentist appointment."

Unfortunately, Jonathan replied at the same time with a much more plausible excuse. "School conferences."

Mrs. Tuitt paused, looking between the two of us. I coughed.

"Um," I started awkwardly. "Yeah, we have dentists come to conferences at our school. So that, um, we can get our teeth worked on while we, um...while we wait for our turns with the teachers."

I sighed, and Jonathan looked at me like I was crazy. Mr. Harrelson seemed to be hiding a smile.

Mrs. Tuitt reacted less subtly. "Oh, I see, school conferences." She beamed and winked at me and Jonathan.

"Yeah, that's right," Jonathan responded flatly. "Well, we really have to get going. Those school conference dentists don't like to be kept waiting."

He started walking towards the stairs, and I followed.

"Have a nice afternoon," Mr. Harrelson called.

Jonathan responded without turning around. "Bye, Mr. Harrelson. Bye Mrs. Tuitt."

We stepped out of the church and into the city. It was shaded by grey clouds, and beginning to drizzle.

"That was rude of us," I said. "I feel bad lying to them."

Jonathan looked over at me. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure they didn't buy your story."

"It was the best I could come up with!" I said defensively. "I don't lie that much, you know."

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