Chapter 2

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Amber's POV
He opened up his car door for me as I got in I waited for him to get in when he did he asked me "where to?"

"My house" I reply.

We start to drive to my house when he stopped at a red light he asked "Do you need anything from the store"

"No im good ill just stay in the car."

"Ok I just have to grab something ill be right back."

After a few minutes he walked out the store and got back into the car.

"What'd you get" I ask.

"Condoms" he says smirking.

He starts the car and we drive to my house when we get there he opens the door for me when we get in side "lets go lay down" he says while walking to the bedroom.

"Okay" I follow him with a big smile on my face.

Darcy's POV

Once we arrived at his house I get out of the car and I walk up to the porch waiting for him to open the door.

"Im coming" he says with a smirk on his face.

"Alright" I say with a sexy voice.

We get inside the house and he starts kissing me and I kiss back. He lifts me up and carries me to the living room couch.

"Are you sure you wanna do this" he says while leaning in to kiss me again.


Lydia's POV

I walk back over to Kamahri and I dance with him for awhile "Where are Amber and Darcy" he stops dancing and looks concerned.

"Amber left with her boyfriend and Darcy with this boy she met at the bar."

"You just let them leave?! You know I dont like Antonio and my sister being with a man she just met! Oh my fucking god! just leave me alone I have to go find them now" he says when leaving the club in a hurry.

Kamahri's POV

I get in my car and I start calling Darcy and she's not answering so I called amber and she answers

"Where are you Amber?!" I say yelling into the phone.

"Dont worry im with Antonio at my house" she says with a laugh

"Im going to worry come outside im out front we have to find Darcy she left with someone from the bar."

"Your kidding right? Your really outside?" She asks.

"Yes come on." I order.

"Ok let me say goodbye." she sighs.

Amber's POV

"Babe I have to go my cousin is out front supposedly, Darcy left with someone at the bar and he's freaking out so I have to go help him find her." I tell Antonio

"Ok that's fine I had a good night with you and I would be worried to if I was him too" He says.

"Ok bye love you ill call you later and just put the key under the mat when you leave too." I say while I rush out my house.

"Ok love you too" he says with a smile.

Kamahri's POV

"Come on lets go amber."

"Oh my god, chill we will find her I have her phone location." she says

"Ok look at it and tell me where to go." i say driving away.

"Ok go to 4300 rustic Dr"

"Ok I know where that is" I explain with a grin on his face

Were pulling up and I see the living room light on. "Amber go get her because If get her im going to hurt him really bad so go get her." I say.

"Okay im going" she says with a weird look on her face.

Amber's POV

*Knock knock* "Darcy are you in there?"

"Amber is that you?" she asks from the other side of the door.

"Yes lets go Kamahri is waiting in the car and hes pissed so I would hurry."

"Ok coming let me say bye." she groans.

Darcy's POV

"Hey Jackson im sorry but I have to go because my brother and Cousin are really mad that I left with someone I barley know" I say with an annoyed face.

"That's fine its just weird how he got my address and I had a really fun time with you."

"My cousin has a phone tracker on my phone and I had a good time too. Call me sometime though" I smile giving a small wink "bye."

Amber's POV

"Lets go Darcy Kamahri is really mad at you so dont take it the hard way." I say with a annoying face.

"Ok whatever dont talk to me" she says with an angry face

"Darcy im not going to yell at you or scream at you or make you even more upset but just please dont go with boys you dont know and we will leave it at that." says Kamahri being nice

"Can we just go get Lydia and go home and fucking sleep."I sigh

We pull up to the club and Lydia gets into the car and everyone is dead silence on the ride home. Me,Lydia,and Darcy live together in a condo and Kamahri and his best friend Jayshawn live in the condo next to us girls. We pull up to the condos and us girls go up to the condo and go to sleep and the boys go into their condo and go to sleep.

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