Chapter One

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The gods were assembled on Olympus by Zeus. As everyone flashed in they slowly noticed that Zeus's face was wearing a look of nervousness.

"Today I hold this meeting in a count of recent events that reveal at the time of the murder of Lyssa and attempted murder of Nemesis and Dionysus Perseus Jackson was under the control of an Eidolon not present at the time Piper McLean charm spoke several to not posses certain demigods, including Percy."

Shouts of outrage echoed around the throne room.

"How did we not know this sooner?" yelled Poseidon. "My son has been in Tartarus for the past three years!"

"Innocent blood has been spilled because you can't tell when someone is under another's control," Aphrodite yelled at Athena.

"Why is Percy still in Tartarus if we know he is innocent?" asked Artemis.

The voices overlapped each other. With the words of the other gods and goddesses getting drowned out before Zeus could hear.

Zeus patiently waited until the yelling quieted before continuing. "Hades has been able to allow us to bring Perseus out of Tartarus within this hour, but he says no sooner or later because Tartarus is mostly under the control of its inhabitants." He paused before finishing, "At this moment we should be able to get him out if you would all be willing to help."

The gods murmured in agreement before each saying a short sentence in Ancient Greek that appeared to make the small crack that could never be repaired after Percy's banishment larger. Zeus finally spoke his words and it was large enough for one human to fit through.

Nothing appeared to happen for minutes before the crack closed. The gods each held a questioning look towards Zeus.

"Hades said that the crack should close if Perseus gets out and he might appear in camp half blood. Let us all go outside the throne room and see. There is probably much confusion," Zeus explained. The gods each got down from their respective throne and shrunk to a more suitable size before walking outside to see Camp Half Blood.

"I don't see anyone who bears a resemblance to Perseus," voiced Hephaestus.

"Should we try it again before the hour is over?" Athens asked Zeus clearly annoyed that she did not get the expected results. Zeus nodded and the group of twelve made their way back into the throne room only to meet an unexpected sight.

"Sorry to disappoint you Athena, but I thought this would be a much bigger entrance." Sitting lazily on Zeus's throne was Percy. He was large. At god height so he was not dwarfed by the throne. He was pale, his face was slim and tight with the skin stretching abnormally, his eyes were sunk in his skull with dark areas around them like he had dark eyeshadow blended around his eyes, and his irises were a dark red instead of their usual sea green.

The shocked gods didn't do anything as he shrunk down and jumped off of the large throne. The landing was too far and there were shouts as the gods thought he would break many bones.

When Percy was almost to the ground it appeared to the gods that he melted into the floor and solidified in front of the throne. The gods so far in shock didn't say anything and merely froze in place. Percy stepped across the floor his black, polished boots clicking against the marble as he walked before stopping in front of Zeus and flicked his nose.

"Apollo, I need you. I'm losing them!" Percy laughed. This seemed to bring the gods and goddesses out of their stupor. "But... how?" stuttered Athena, clearly confused about Percy's abilities and looks.

"Tartarus," Percy offered like it was the answer to all of their questions. "Have you forgotten already? Three years is a lot in that place."

Zeus shook his head as if to clear it. "Perseus we have taken you out of Tartarus in light of recent events that do, in fact, prove that you are innocent."

"Is that it?" Percy asked. "Because I know you wouldn't admit your mistakes that quickly."

"Percy," Poseidon reprimanded.

"It's Perseus, mind you," Perseus said with an eyebrow slightly raised in a challenging manner. He paused before taking on a more serious face and turning to Zeus. "What happened? Who is it this time?" He already knew the answer.

"You are the one who is supposed to know that," Hermes said, adopting a look of worry on his face. "Well, at least the prophecy says so."

"Prophecy!" Perseus quickly turned his head to look at Hermes then back to Zeus. "Ah, so that is why you need me. What is it, Apollo? Endless death you shall get, if you once again use your pets?"

Zeus chose to ignore him and instead turned to Apollo who sighed. "The prophesy states,
The one in Hell will be brought to earth
He knows all, protect the hearth
Once the hatred is brought home
They will fear the growing dome
Fate shall end who grows deer
And the end for her grows near"

When Apollo finished most gods looked at Perseus expectantly. "I think that is all the cheerfulness I can take today. So when can I go to Camp Half Blood?" Perseus said clasping his hands together. "Thanks again for those years in Tartarus. They were fun."

"As it seems you have your own form of transportation you can go now. Chiron and the campers have been expecting you," Zeus said, clearly unnerved in the presence of Perseus.

Perseus smiled at the gods, winked, and melted into the ground. The only evidence of him being there was the Olympians not in their thrones.

Zeus turned around to the other Olympians. "We should notify Hades so that he does not have to continue keeping Tartarus open for us."

He took a drachma and Poseidon formed a fine mist with water to make a rainbow. "Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please show us Hades, the underworld." The rainbow shimmered and Hades face appeared with his throne behind him.

"How did it go?" Hades asked them pretending he wasn't as worried about the answer. "Did he appear in Camp Half Blood?" Zeus shook his head and Hades continued. "Did he appear in his mother's house, because I thought that might have been an option. He also could have appeared in the throne room which was most likely. In the spot where he was in chains in front of you? That would also make sense-"

"Hades," Poseidon stopped his brother's ramblings. "Perseus appeared on Zeus's throne when we went to see Camp Half Blood, if you really need to know."

Hades head shot up to Poseidon. "What did you say?" He asked alarmed.
"He appeared in Zeus's throne when-"

"I know what you said." Hades interrupted still wearing a shocked facial expression. "The way it works is that Percy appears in the place most prominent from his thoughts while in Tartarus."

The gods stared at him expectantly.

"He could have been in Camp Half Blood because he had thoughts of wanting to be there while he was in Tartarus. He could have appeared in his mother's house for the same reason. He may have appeared in the throne room because he thought often of his time in chains in front of you during his trial, but for him to have appeared on Zeus's throne. Do you know what that means?"

"That when Perseus was in Tartarus the most prominent thought in his mind was of my throne," Zeus finished

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