Chapter 19

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There she stood, looking as beautiful as always.
"Granny!" I screamed and ran towards her.

"I'm so sorry Granny." I said.

"Don't be sorry Lisa. I'm always here for you," she said.

"I miss you Granny."

"You don't have a lot of time Lisa.
You have to save Hadley and your mom before it is too late," she said.

I looked around everywhere to find an exit to that place and finally I could see a door.
I knew I had to bring Father Edward here.
I ran outside, looking for him.

"Lisa! Where were you?"
I could hear Dad's voice.
He looked so panicked and scared.
"Dad. Where's Father Edward?" I asked.

"He is there outside," Dad said pointing towards the Verandah.

Mom was still unconscious.
"Father, please come here," I screamed.

He didn't bother to look back.


"I told you Edward can't do anything," a voice said.

He turned back.
I would have been expecting pitch black eyes but there was nothing.
His eyes lacked their eye balls.

"Hell no. Father! This can't happen," I screamed.

"Dad? Where are you?"

I went inside the house to look for him.
He was there just a minute ago.

'God! He was just here a minute ago, where has he gone?', I spoke to myself.

"I'm still here"

I turned back.
It was Dad but the voice didn't belong to him.
His eyes turned just like that of Father Edward, completely white.

"This can't happen. No I can't let this happen. I have to do something."

"Mom! Mom are you okay?", I ran towards her.

"Baby I'm so sorry for all that happened. I couldn't be a good mother," she said with tears in her eyes.

"No Mom. It isn't your fault and I'm gonna save you all. Don't worry," I said.

I quickly grabbed the Holy Cross and ran towards Father Edward.

"Father. Please come back. You know this isn't you, you have to help me.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I condemn you to hell demon.", I said while putting the cross on his forehead.

He let out a scream and then fainted.

"Father. Wake up. Please."

"Lisa? What happened?" He asked.

"You were possessed as well. Please wear this Holy Cross and where's your Bible?" I asked.

"It's there in the living room," he said.

"We need to go the basement", I said.

"Yes we do. Poor Granny can't handle all that alone," he said.

How did he know about Granny being there.

I turned around.
The Holy cross wasn't around his neck anymore.


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